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O'Reilly eBook: Cloud Native Containers and Next-Gen Apps

Developers often struggle when first encountering the cloud. Learning about distributed systems, becoming familiar with technologies such as containers and functions, and knowing how to put everything together can be daunting. With this practical guide, you'll get up to speed on patterns for building cloud native applications and best practices for common tasks such as messaging, eventing, and DevOps. Authors Boris Scholl, Trent Swanson, and Peter Jausovec describe the architectural building blocks for a modern cloud native application. You'll learn how to use microservices, containers, serverless computing, storage types, portability, and functions.

Accelerate Digital Transformation with an Infrastructure as Code Strategy

As organizations move along their digital transformation journey, they will encounter technical challenges and pitfalls along the way. While the destination offers many benefits, getting there can be hard. It takes experience and knowledge, along with technical expertise, to navigate this path to a more agile, flexible organization. Learn how to get there in this white paper.

Are DevOps and Security Mutually Exclusive?

A primary goal of most DevOps initiatives is to increase the speed and agility of software development and delivery. Unfortunately, this objective often seems to be at odds with good security practices, reducing the window of time for security assessment and introducing new attack vectors. But DevOps and security don't have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, the principles that drive good outcomes for software development can also lead to more secure infrastructure. Read the ebook for guidance on designing a DevOps workflow that incorporates - and enhances - security.

Email security in the post-COVID-19 era

Following the outbreak of COVID-19, organizations around the world have rapidly adopted remote work policies, making email communication more important than ever for disparate teams to collaborate. This has made it convenient for threat actors to launch email-based cyberattacks. The FBI has issued a public service announcement in which it revealed that it is anticipating business email compromise (BEC) attacks related to the COVID-19 crisis to increase. Hence, it's imperative for businesses to strengthen email security to mitigate email-borne threats.

Eliminating Misunderstandings Between InfoSec and IT Operations

Speeding remediation reduces the cost of compliance and vulnerability of the IT estate. When looking for issues that slow remediation, notice the hand off from security to IT. Download this free resource to learn how the interaction between IT and Security can be improved to speed compliance.