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Amazon Kinesis: the best event queue you're not using

Instrumental receives a lot of raw data, upwards of 1,000,000 metrics per second. Because of this, we’ve always used an event queue to aggregate the data before we permanently store it. Before switching to AWS Kinesis, this aggregation was based on many processes writing to AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) with a one-at-a-time reader that would aggregate data, then push it into another SQS queue, where multiple readers would store the data in MongoDB.

Connect to MySQL ElastiCache through EC2

You can quickly and efficiently use SSH to safely access data in your remote MySQL RDS data stores with just a single command. This tip not only enables you to access your remote server as if it was local and take advantage of local tools, but also modify data remotely, download MySQL backups, and do it all securely, through an SSH encrypted connection.

Connect to Redis ElastiCache through EC2

You can quickly and efficiently use SSH to safely access data in your remote Redis Elasticache data stores with just a single command. This tip not only enables you to access your remote server as if it was local and take advantage of local tools, but also modify data remotely, download Redis data, and do it all securely, through an SSH encrypted connection.

Connect to Memcache ElastiCache through EC2

You can quickly and efficiently use SSH to safely access data in your remote Memcache Elasticache data stores with just a single command. This tip not only enables you to access your remote server as if it was local and take advantage of local tools, but also modify data remotely, download Memcache data, and do it all securely, through an SSH encrypted connection.

AppEnsure's Service Level Driven Advantages over Citrix Insight/Director

There has been much discussion about the new parameters that Insight/Director provide with ICA Round Trip Time (RTT). The general perception is that ICA RTT provides the end-to-end response time for applications or desktops delivered. This is NOT correct. Many times the application or VDI published will access the backend infrastructure that supports the application or VDI. The back-end infrastructure response time is not part of the ICA RTT.

APM for Vendor Provided Business Critical Enterprise Applications

Traditionally, Application Performance Management (APM) is usually associated with solutions that instrument application code. There are two fundamental limitations with such associations. If instrumenting the code is what APM is all about, then APM is applicable only to homegrown applications for which access to code is available.

The Importance of Baselining for End-User Experience Management

If your business depends on mission-critical web or legacy applications, then monitoring how your end users interact with your applications is critical. The end users’ experience after pressing the ENTER key or clicking Submit might decide the bottom line of your enterprise. Most monitoring solutions try to infer the end-user experience based on resource utilization.

Anatomy of a Profitable Side Project: StatusGator 2016 Review

In 2016, my side project StatusGator garnered enough paying customers to be profitable. I have wanted to document and share what I’ve learned along the way for months. But doing so requires confronting the reality that my side project is not the runaway success that I had hoped it would be, but rather a useful tool for myself and for others, that can exist forever thanks to the fact that it ekes out a meager profit on paper.