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SPA Tracking & Monitoring: How to Build Better Single-Page Applications Through RUM (Real User Monitoring)

Did you know roughly half of the users that visit your website leave if it takes more than 3 seconds to load? Optimizing your website or webapp for stellar performance is always a crucial goal for any software based business. But, the ecosystem has changed in recent years. Smartphones are taking over. Developers need to build websites and optimize for performance primarily targeting these smaller devices. It’s not solely about performance though.

Sematext Experience is here

Ever heard the expression “A picture is worth a thousand words”, well with Sematext Experience we want you to have a picture of the thousand words your customers want to tell you, but usually don’t. At Sematext, we’ve learned over time that we cannot count on customers or visitors on our website to tell us about issues they encounter while using our product or visiting our webpage.

Elasticsearch security: Authentication, Encryption, Backup

There’s no need to look outside the Elastic Stack for apps to ensure data protection. Basic Elasticsearch Security features are free and include a lot of functionality to help you prevent unauthorized access, preserve data integrity by encrypting communication between nodes, and maintain an audit trail on who did what to your stack and with the data it stores. From authentication to encryption and backup, Elasticsearch security covers everything that’s needed to safeguard your cluster.

Logstash Tutorial: A Quick Getting Started Guide

Looking to learn about Logstash as quickly as possible? This Logstash Tutorial is for you: we’ll install Logstash and push some Apache logs to Elasticsearch in less than 5 minutes. Logstash is a good (if not the) swiss-army knife for logs. It works by reading data from many sources, processing it in various ways, then sending it to one or more destinations, the most popular one being Elasticsearch.

Log Aggregation 101: A Complete Guide, from How It Works to the Tools You Must Know about

Every developer’s worst nightmare is having to dig through a huge log file trying to pinpoint problems. The troubleshooting most likely won’t stop there. They’ll either have to follow the trail to multiple other log files and possibly on other servers. The log files may even be in different formats. This may go on until one loses themselves completely. Log aggregation is what you need to stop this seemingly never-ending cycle.

Inventory Monitoring for Your Cloud Infrastructure

Managing agile software deployment for cloud infrastructure can be challenging. Deployments should be automated whenever possible to ensure consistent version management. Nevertheless, it can happen that identical software versions are not deployed to all servers. Such imperfect version management is a potential time-bomb. Distributed systems and microservices often rely on the deployment of the exact same software version installed on every cluster node.

Topping top! New Real-Time Process Monitoring

What are the essential things to monitor in your infrastructure? Sure, CPU utilization, memory usage, and IO throughput. However, once you notice a significant load somewhere in your infrastructure you want to know what is causing it, and that typically boils down to needing to find the process that’s using too much CPU or memory or that’s doing disk or network IO like there’s no tomorrow.

Solr Monitoring Made Easy with Sematext

As shown in Part 1 Solr Key Metrics to Monitor, the setup, tuning, and operations of Solr require deep insights into the performance metrics such as request rate and latency, JVM memory utilization, garbage collector work time and count and many more. Sematext provides an excellent alternative to other Solr monitoring tools.