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Monitor your Helm-managed Kubernetes applications with Datadog

Helm is a package manager that makes it easy to deploy and manage Kubernetes applications. Our new Helm integration allows you to monitor the availability and status of the Helm-managed applications deployed in your Kubernetes clusters. In this post, we’ll show you how you can visualize the status of your Helm releases and use monitors to notify you of important changes in your Helm environment.

Monitor PlanetScale with Datadog

PlanetScale is a serverless, MySQL-compatible database platform powered by Vitess. PlanetScale handles database scaling while also providing you with the tools to increase your development velocity, such as branching, non-blocking schema changes, automatic backups, built-in connection pooling, as well as a helpful interface and CLI. Datadog’s new integration gives you deep visibility into your PlanetScale databases, so you can optimize your usage and costs.

Highlights from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2022

After two years of virtual editions, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe returned as a hybrid event, with its in-person portion held in Valencia, Spain, from May 16-20. As platinum sponsors of this year’s conference, Datadog held a booth where we showcased the latest updates to our Kubernetes monitoring solution, including the new Kubernetes resources overview, improved OpenTelemetry support, and the latest version of the Datadog Operator for Kubernetes.

Visualize relationships between your Kubernetes resources with Datadog Live Containers

A Kubernetes environment includes a wide range of resources—such as clusters, nodes, and pods—that work together to run dynamic applications at scale. In order to monitor a Kubernetes application effectively, you need a multi-dimensional view into your clusters’ health that encompasses the complex dependency relationships among these resources.

Ingest OpenTelemetry traces and metrics with the Datadog Agent

OpenTelemetry is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) initiative that provides open, vendor-neutral standards and tools for instrumenting services and applications. Many organizations use OpenTelemetry’s collection of APIs, SDKs, and tools to collect and export observability data from their environment to their preferred backend. As part of our ongoing commitment to OpenTelemetry, we are proud to have contributed our distributed tracing libraries to the CNCF community.

Monitor FoundationDB with Datadog

FoundationDB is a distributed NoSQL database designed to support fully ACID transactions. FoundationDB uses an unbundled architecture that consists of an in-memory transaction management system, a distributed storage system, and a built-in distributed configuration system. This enables developers using FoundationDB to manage and configure each part of their database layer separately to ensure desired scalability, high-availability, and fault tolerance.

Monitor your JumpCloud directory with Datadog

JumpCloud is a cloud-based directory platform that provides a unified approach to Active Directory and LDAP services centered around user authentication and network management. Using JumpCloud, companies can manage and provision user access to software, systems, and networks; enforce compliance with audit trails; and provide a unified login experience through single sign-on (SSO).

Monitor model performance with Superwise's offering in the Datadog Marketplace

Superwise is a monitoring platform that provides model observability for high-scale machine learning (ML) operations. Superwise provides teams with out-of-the-box (OOTB) metrics on their models’ production behavior, so they can effectively address drift, data quality issues, and other problems before they negatively impact business.

Run Synthetic tests in your CI/CD pipelines with the Datadog CircleCI orb

CircleCI is a CI/CD service that allows organizations to rapidly build, test, and deploy within their pipelines on a single platform. If you are using CircleCI for your CI/CD pipelines, you can now leverage the Datadog Synthetics CircleCI orb to implement Synthetic tests as part of shift-left testing. CI/CD testing is a widely adopted DevOps standard that helps teams mitigate any potential issues that could arise as a result of faulty code deployments.

Monitor your .NET apps with the Datadog extension for Azure App Service

Azure App Service is a cloud-based platform-as-a-service (PaaS) for deploying functions, web apps, mobile apps, and other resources. It allows developers to deploy code—using common languages and frameworks—in minutes without worrying about provisioning or managing infrastructure. Developers can then use Azure App Service to scale their services dynamically to meet demand.