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What is Data Modeling? What is its Importance in the New Age of AI?

AI is all about the game of data. And the emergence of advanced AI models, including the newsmaker one - Generative AI, is compelling business leaders to revisit their data platforms. Stating the obvious, businesses now need customized AI models built for their unique business needs and perfected as per their data. So, your journey to a successful AI transformation or adoption begins with a robust data infrastructure as a stepping stone.

How AI is Transforming the AdTech Industry

The global AdTech market is experiencing exponential growth, driven by the rising demand for speed, personalized advertising, and the proliferation of digital platforms. Key trends include the rise of connected TV (CTV) advertising, in-app advertising, rich media, and interactive ads, as well as the growing importance of privacy and data security.

Embracing the AI Revolution: A Leader's Perspective on the Future of Business

"In a world where change is the only constant, the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a formidable force that is redefining life and commerce. As we witness firsthand the seismic shifts occurring in the business world due to the advent of AI, the landscape is changing rapidly, and with it, the rules of engagement for companies across the globe.

What is Byte-sized Digital Transformation? And How to Optimize it?

The digital revolution is upon us, and businesses are under immense pressure to adapt. Customers demand seamless online experiences, competitors innovate at breakneck speed, and market landscapes shift in the blink of an eye. The traditional response – a large-scale digital transformation – while alluring, can often be daunting and time-consuming. The IT ecosystem is a constantly evolving battleground.

Generative AI 101: Everything You Need to Know

Since its inception, GenAI has been the talk of the business town. Globally, enterprises are using this disruptive technology to reap immense benefits like enhanced productivity, generate higher revenue, and do exceptionally well in customer experience. If this GenAI buzzword has your attention and you are trying to grasp its potential, this blog is an ideal read.

Hyper Automation vs Intelligent Automation: Cracking the Code

If you’re from the world of automation, you must have heard the two buzzwords – Hyper Automation and Intelligent Automation. As per the research reports, the industrial automation market will likely surpass around $459.51 Billion by 2032 and will grow at a CAGR of 9% during the tenure from 2023 to 2032.

Cybersecurity 101: Everything You Need to Know

Did you know? According to cybersecurity statistics, a cyber threat occurs every 39 seconds. So, are you looking for ways to improve the security of your digital ecosystem? Boost your enterprise immunity against dreadful cybersecurity attacks to mitigate security risks and prevent financial losses. Read through this blog to understand the significance and different types of cybersecurity and the steps you can take to secure your organization from cyberattacks.

Elevate Business with Reinforcement Learning: A Complete Guide

Reinforcement learning is an innovative approach to artificial intelligence that enables machines to learn and adapt in dynamic environments. Unlike traditional supervised learning techniques, reinforcement learning allows systems to improve their performance based on actions and feedback from their surroundings.

The Growing Adoption of LLMs in Production in the Enterprise

Enterprises across industries are experiencing a seismic shift as they gear up to embrace Large Language Models (LLMs). Their extensive adoption has opened a new set of opportunities for professionals and enterprises enabling them to enhance decision-making, undertake a digital transformation, and drive innovation like never before.

Decoding Customer Experience: A Comprehensive Guide

Customer experience (CX) is the impression your brand creates when a customer interacts with your business throughout the buyer’s journey. The journey starts right when the customer visits your business, interacts with your sales representatives, makes a purchase, and continues till the customer reaches out to you with a service request. In their recent study, Salesforce states, “Around 90% of customers prioritize experience as much as a company's products or services.”