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Focus on speed and performance for your next website relaunch

We've been there, done that, and we're here to help. Drawing from our extensive experience with customers managing thousands of projects, navigating diverse tech stacks in the open source world, and tackling the complexities of ecommerce, we've put together a list of essential requirements for your next website relaunch. Consider these fundamentals from the start to ensure you benefit from enhanced site speed and performance, making your project launch smoother and more successful.

Faster. Smarter. Greener. Oris and Liip enhance their development workflow with a PaaS

Celebrating over 120 years of mechanical excellence and beauty, Oris has been a pillar of sustainable, independent Swiss watchmaking since 1904. By forging its own path and sticking true to its values, Oris has built a renowned brand and a stunning product range which they have continued to innovate and expand over the last century. Expansion which today includes a sharp, intuitive web and ecommerce platform.

A product engineer's highlights from DrupalCon Portland 2024

It was great to be back at DrupalCon Portland 2024, drawing together a diverse mix of Drupal enthusiasts, developers, and industry leaders under one roof. The buzz of new conversations and reuniting friends in the convention halls excites me every year. I returned to Portland for the third year and immediately reminisced on the conference that started it all, DrupalCon Portland 2022. I was back in the place that started my love for the Drupal community!

Meeting Jonny Harris: WordPress performance optimization with Blackfire

Jonny Harris is a WordPress core contributor and committer based in the UK and a member of the WordPress Performance Initiative. This group teams up with Google and Blackfire to optimize the performance of the PHP framework that powers an estimated 43% of the world’s applications. Jonny has been coding with WordPress since 2006 when, at the age of 16, he wanted to start blogging. He gave WordPress a try as it was then and still is today, the leading open-source blogging framework.

Limit deployments to Platform.sh only with tags: part three

In parts one and two of this series, we covered how to limit deployments to Platform.sh when a tag is pushed or created. Focusing first on using GitHub and the GitHub Actions platform, and then progressing onto Gitlab and pipelines to accomplish this goal. But in the spirit of being a polyglot PaaS, let’s look at how we can accomplish the same goal—limiting deployment to Platform.sh only when adding a git tag—using Bitbucket and their CI/CD system.

Platform.sh Reveals Upsun, Its New PaaS Offering Designed to Support the Growth of Startups and Scaleups

Founded in 2015 and a leading Platform-as-a-Service player, Platform.sh has more than 7,000 customers and is used by more than 17,000 active developers worldwide. Upsun, its new PaaS offering, provides automated DevOps tools and managed cloud services to empower startups and scaleups to build, deploy, and scale their applications and data backends with simplicity and flexibility. Based on proven foundations, Upsun combines security, compliance, and reliability to support startups and scaleups as they consolidate and expand.

Limit deployments to Platform.sh only when Git tagged: part two

In part one of this series, we covered how you could limit deployments to Platform.sh only when a tag is pushed/created, focusing primarily on using GitHub and the GitHub Actions platform to accomplish this goal. But we’re a polyglot PaaS and strive to be agnostic in our users’ source code management terms of the service. With that in mind, let’s look at how we can accomplish the same goal using GitLab and your CI/CD system. Just like last time, there are some assumptions to consider.

DrupalCamp Florida 2024: sharing takeaways from the experts

I had the pleasure of returning to DrupalCamp FL (DCFL) again this year and even now in its sixteenth year, DCFL 2024 was as lively and energetic as ever. Approximately 130 people descended upon Florida Technical College to share their experiences and knowledge surrounding Drupal and I’m here to share the highlights!

Limit deployments to Platform.sh only with tags: part one

Throughout the years, many users have asked us if it’s possible to only deploy to Platform.sh when a tag is pushed using a source code integration. The answer is: with our current source integrations, it's not—but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Platform.sh is based on Git and because of this, acts as a remote for your code repository.

Standardizing your web application stack and how to do it

Managing web applications from the ground up can be a daunting task. One application alone can quickly grow in complexity, let alone the multiple applications that are often required by different business units and stakeholders growing simultaneously. Add the ever-changing landscape of trendy frameworks and runtimes, and you quickly find yourself with an unmanageable mess of different technologies. Standardizing your application stack can help reduce the clutter.