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Learn how to comply now before your next audit

Are you struggling to keep up with manual compliance across your infrastructure? In this 25-minute episode of the Pulling the Strings podcast, powered by Puppet, learn how Puppet Comply makes automating your configuration compliance easy -- with full view dashboards and the ability to assess, remediate and enforce all through the Puppet Enterprise solution. Listen in and discover:

How to set AWS S3 Bucket Read Permissions with Relay

Cloud environments are susceptible to security issues. A big contributor is misconfigured resources. Misconfigured S3 buckets are one example of a security risk that could expose your organization’s sensitive data to bad actors. Policies and regular enforcement of best practices are key to reducing this security risk. However, manually checking and enforcing security is time-consuming and can fall behind with all the demands a busy DevOps team faces every day.

Taming the compliance beast: achieve efficiency & reliability at scale

Regulatory compliance is time-consuming and expensive. A recent survey of IT security professionals found that, on average, organizations must comply with 13 different regulations and spend an average of $3.5M annually on compliance activities, with audit-related activities consuming 232 person hours per year. With a team of five people, that adds up to 1.5 months a year devoted to audit-related activity. That’s a lot of hours that could have been spent on initiatives driving customer value.

Save Time and Money by Automatically Deleting Unused Azure Load Balancers

Using the cloud reduces on-premises infrastructure costs and related maintenance. Instead of deploying more servers, storage, and networking components to your own datacenter, you are now deploying these as cloud resources. Using the cloud is supposed to reduce infrastructure and maintenance costs. However, deploying cloud resources also risks over-commissioning, under-usage, and keeping resources running that are not always needed or, even worse, no longer in use.

Hindsight is 2020: How we learned to swim in the river

Come December, it’s traditional in the industry to meditate on emerging trends and make predictions about how these will shape the year to come. I have my fair share of prognostications for 2021, but I want to take this moment to reflect on a year that could never have been predicted.

How to Remediate Unencrypted S3 buckets

Cloud environments are always susceptible to security issues. A significant contributor to this problem is misconfigured resources. Traditional IT Infrastructure was somewhat static; server hardware only changed every few years. With few changes occurring, security was also more static. The modern cloud environment is a much different challenge. In cloud environments, servers, services, and storage are created with automation, resulting in a dynamic and potentially ever-changing server environment.

How to overcome app development roadblocks with modern processes

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of companies (52%) say application development is a high priority initiative at their organization. But teams focused on building or improving apps face a number of bottlenecks — the three biggest of which are people, processes, and technology. Puppet and Pulse surveyed 200 IT executives to discover how modern technologies and processes are helping app development teams overcome common roadblocks and adapt quickly to the changing economy.

Why you should take the 2020 Puppet user survey

We want to hear directly from you about your experience using Puppet products so we can ensure our portfolio rises to the demand of our customers. Take this survey to share your expertise with us. At Puppet, we’re dedicated to innovating the most modern, easy-to-use, secure and compliant products for our customers to ensure practitioners can simplify their workflows and enterprises can meet their business goals. Your input is extraordinarily valuable to us.

Puppet's journey into Continuous Compliance

During my tenure at Puppet, I’ve learned that almost everything we do is focused on two things — eliminating soul-crushing work, and the never-ending desire to solve really hard customer problems. Couple those with the positive and energetic attitude of the Puppet team, and we’re bound to have a profound impact on our customers. Maybe I’ve had too much Kool-Aid?