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May 2024 Update - New shift scheduling brings increased productivity and improved user experience, along with revamped stand-in functionality

Our May update includes a newly revamped shift scheduling for your SIGNL4 teams. It is now much easier to run your shift model in SIGNL4 and schedule team members into shifts. It also includes a new calendar view and a fundamental revision of our substitute function for the scheduled colleagues on duty. All details are as always available in this blog article.

The Importance of Rapid Incident Response

An Incident Response Plan prepares an organization to deal with a security breach or cyber-attack. It defines the procedures an organization should follow if it discovers a possible cyber-attack, enabling it to detect, contain, and resolve problems promptly. Organizations need an IR Plan to safeguard their data, networks, and services from harmful activity and equip their staff to behave strategically.

Enhancing Team Collaboration: Unveiling the Intuitive Features of SIGNL4

Effective communication lies at the heart of successful teamwork, and SIGNL4 emerges as a powerful tool crafted to elevate collaboration within teams. In this blog post, we will explore five of the often small but all the more intuitive features that distinguish SIGNL4, positioning it as the preferred solution for teams aiming to enhance productivity and streamline communication.

Mobile Alerts for Icinga at Net at Work

Net at Work is a German IT company with over 100 employees that provides its customers with solutions and tools for digital communication and collaboration. Their product NoSpamProxy offers reliable protection against spam and ransomware, legally compliant email encryption and more. Net at Work customers monitor NoSpamProxy with a network monitoring tool.

March 2024 Update - Design update, Stand-ins via mobile App, Configurable shift reminders and reports as well as customizable data retention

With our SIGNL4 March Update, we are speeding up and have once again completed some innovations for you. This time, we have further developed our design and color scheme slightly and made changes for better readability. In our mobile app, you can now also quickly and easily set up a stand-in, should a person unexpectedly be absent from duty. Furthermore, in certain SIGNL4 plans, the data retention period can now be flexibly adjusted to the respective company requirements.

Joe's Triumph with an Alert Fatigue Solution

In the fast-paced world of operations management, every alert bears weight, and Joe’s team found themselves caught in a relentless stream of notifications. The challenge they faced was alert fatigue – a persistent obstacle that blurred the lines between critical incidents and routine matters. As the head of operations, Joe navigated through this influx of alerts, ranging from urgent server issues demanding immediate attention to routine notifications like a failed login.

What is alert fatigue?

Alert fatigue is a serious issue that affects numerous professions, e.g. in IT or healthcare. It can lead to neglecting critical events and delaying response times. Responders need to continuously monitor their systems and applications to avert possible downtime and keep operations running smoothly. However a high number of incoming alerts inundating these teams can make them less responsive. The ramifications of such disregard can severely affect the efficiency and dependability of response teams.

What is incident response?

Incident response is the process of responding to and managing the aftermath of a security breach or cyber attack. It involves a systematic approach to identifying, containing, and mitigating the consequences of an incident in IT, OT or Cybersecurity, with the goal of minimizing the impact on the organization and its stakeholders. It is often exclusively related to Cybersecurity.

What is an event?

Terms like ‘event’ play an important role in understanding IT and OT operations. There is usually an abundance of interpretations and definitions. You will also find different naming conventions with each vendor of tools for monitoring and service management. So, let’s dive in. How does ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) define an event? ITIL links events and notifications directly by saying.

What is an alert?

Terms like ‘alert’ play an important role in understanding IT and OT operations. There is usually an abundance of interpretations and definitions. You will also find different naming conventions with each vendor of tools for monitoring and service management. So, let’s dive in. How is an alert defined? Some define alerts as events that meet a certain thresh-hold, have a specific relevance (as in ITIL – events of warning/alert type) or require action.