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Full-Stack Infrastructure Observability with DX Unified Infrastructure Management

The IT infrastructure landscape has seen tremendous changes over last few years due to evolving technologies, newer business models, and ever-changing market demands. Business, market, and consumer demands are pushing such IT advancements as cloud, mobility, and IoT.

Smarter IT Operations Through Actionable Insight

Business leaders talk excitedly about "digital transformation" and "innovative customer experience," but it falls on the shoulders of IT operations to make sure everything actually works. As transformation takes hold, IT teams manage increasingly complex, hybrid, and distributed environments – often comprising traditional on-premises systems and modern infrastructures made up of containers, multiple clouds, and virtualized networks.

Eight Reasons Enterprise Automation is Vital to Cloud Strategy Success

The cloud and Electric Vehicles (EVs) have a lot in common. Both are modern, fast, and agile. Both are also in great demand. Every street seems to have an EV parked somewhere. It’s the same with the cloud, which is fast becoming the platform of choice to power enterprise applications. Whether it is public, private, or hybrid, the cloud offers flexibility, security, and low total cost of ownership.

Employing Agile Requirements Designer to Support API Testing: 5 Use Cases

If you’re a current user of Agile Requirements Designer (ARD), you are most likely using ARD to design your functional tests. But did you know that you can use ARD to create API tests that can be executed with your test automation framework? In this blog, I’ll share five real use cases for creating API tests with ARD. These examples come directly from our customers, and illustrate how our powerful model-based approach can scale your API testing.

AIOps Summit Recap: Why Observability is Key, and How to Get There

“It’s not rocket science.” In the past, we’ve all heard that statement made. Quite often, it’s applicable. It’s true we can overthink or unnecessarily overcomplicate matters. Don’t tell that to someone who’s responsible for network performance and continuity today, however.

Deploy the RESTMon Microservice in Minutes

Within any enterprise, IT operations teams use a variety of solutions to monitor their technology ecosystem. These products are often business critical and cannot easily be replaced or migrated. Ultimately, it’s important that teams can analyze and correlate data from these different tools so they can produce the insights they need to improve decision making. To help address these requirements, Broadcom offers RESTMon.

Innovate Faster and at Scale with Automic Automation v21

What connects Falcon 9 rockets, the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, and the Olympics sprint champion Marcell Jacobs? It’s the need for speed. The desire to always go faster, achieve results more quickly, and outpace the competition. This need for speed is also the driving force behind the latest release of our unified service orchestration and automation platform: Automic Automation v21.

Optimizing Continuous Testing with Continuous Test Data Management

Continuous testing has emerged as a popular practice within DevOps, assisting teams in their quest to release high quality software on demand. While test data management (TDM) practices are extremely important to ensure that testing is effective, various surveys have indicated that TDM issues are one of the leading causes of delays in testing and application delivery.

Streamline Migration and Application Onboarding in DX APM with EasySeries

To realize the full potential of APM, many customers are migrating from their existing APM 10.7 clusters to DX APM. In addition, they continue to onboard new applications for monitoring. These efforts require a series of steps, including the configuration of experience views, universes, and DX Operational Intelligence services.