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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

Rancher Desktop v0.3.0 Release

We are happy to share the v0.3.0 release of Rancher Desktop. This release brings more stability, some new features, and a fresh look to the UI. This screenshot shows the preferences screen while in dark mode on Mac. In the lower left corner the status when performing an action is now displayed. This status will tell you when Rancher Desktop needs to download something, such as a version of Kubernetes you have now used before, or when another step is happening.

Capacity Operations for Kubernetes

Kubernetes adds undeniable benefits when it comes to flexibility and agility, but providing suboptimal resource specifications at the container or node level creates tremendous inefficiencies at scale, leaving resources stranded and utilization very low. Learn how the practice of Capacity Operations can augment DevOps and FinOps initiatives and enable greater agility for your operations organization.

Top vulnerability assessment and management best practices

By implementing these vulnerability assessment and vulnerability management best practices you will reduce the attack surface of your infrastructure. We’re human, and many things we build aren’t perfect. That’s why we take our cars for a periodic inspection, or why we have organizations certifying that products are safe to use. Software is no different.

Vulnerability Management with Sysdig

Software is always changing and improving, and within this process, developers can unknowingly introduce vulnerabilities. Discover how Sysdig Secure provides a single vulnerability management solution for both containers and hosts. It allows you to validate compliance across your whole infrastructure. And it's so easy to deploy, that you will be scanning images and hosts in seconds.

How to Create Docker Images for ASP.NET Core

Microsoft has begun working with the Docker team and community so Docker can be used for the following: If you would like to run an ASP.NET Core web app in a Docker container and learn how to create images, we will explain all the steps on how to do the following: A Docker container image is a standalone, lightweight package that can be executed and contains all the requirements you need to run an application, such as: code, runtime, libraries, and settings.

Rancher Desktop - An Open Source App for Desktop Kubernetes and Container Management

For those of us who need to get applications running in Kubernetes, having Kubernetes on the desktop is incredibly useful. When we want to focus on our applications, it’s especially useful when Kubernetes is easy to use. This is where Rancher Desktop comes in. Rancher Desktop provides easy-to-use Kubernetes and container management (something we’ll look at in a moment) for Mac and Windows. Having Kubernetes isn’t enough.

What's new in Sysdig - June 2021

Welcome to another monthly update on what’s new from Sysdig! Happy Pride month! We hope you are celebrating safely, in whatever manner you choose. It’s been over 50 years since the Stonewall riots, but we continue to fight for equality and justice. Love is love, and we’re sending you all of ours! Thank you to Marsha P. Johnson, Brenda Howard, and countless others for fighting for the freedom that many of us today enjoy.