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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

Deploying to production in <5m with our hosted container builder

Fast build times are great, which is why we aim for less than 5m between merging a PR and getting it into production. Not only is waiting on builds a waste of developer time — and an annoying concentration breaker — the speed at which you can deploy new changes has an impact on your shipping velocity. Put simply, you can ship faster and with more confidence when deploying a follow-up fix is a simple, quick change.

Real-time threat response for Kubernetes workloads, using threat intelligence feeds and deep packet inspection

Cloud-native transformations come with many security and troubleshooting challenges. Real-time intrusion detection and the prevention of continuously evolving threats is challenging for cloud-native applications in Kubernetes. Due to the ephemeral nature of pods, it is difficult to determine source or destination endpoints and limit their blast radius. Traditional perimeter-based firewalls are not ideal fit for Kubernetes and containers.

A Simple Guide to Taming the Beast That Is Kubernetes

Containers are amazing. But when you start to orchestrate them in a complex environment, they can become quite the beast. Kubernetes is one of the best tools to tame that beast, but few resources exist to help you manage your big data workloads on Kubernetes. If you want to learn how you can optimize your big data workloads on Kubernetes, this is for you.

Terraform and Shipa 101 - Your First Terraform and Shipa Cloud Integration

Leveraging Terraform, which is an infrastructure-as-code platform, is a great match. Using both technologies together is becoming more mature and there have been some great pieces around the art of the possible between the two platforms. Though if you are unfamiliar with both, this guide will get you up and started with both Terraform and Shipa together. In this example will be using Terraform to create all of the necessary Shipa resources to deploy to a Kubernetes cluster.

Demystifying the complexity of cloud-native 5G network functions deployment using Robin CNP

Some of the key requirements as operators deploy #telecom data centers include managing their NFs in a cloud-native world to achieve low-latency and high throughput for #5G applications, meeting scalability targets, achieving bare-metal performance without virtualization overheads, and so on. Robin’s #CloudNative Platform solves various challenges associated with #5G CNF deployments, along with delivering the convenience of zero touch automation, multi-cloud portability, and hyperscale orchestration.