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Asset Management

The latest News and Information on Asset Management, Device Management and related technologies.

DEX's Role in Bringing Generations Together

For the first time in history, there are four generations in the workforce. This puts organizations in a unique situation – how do you make the correct adjustments for such a wide-ranging workforce? We are interacting with tech in nearly every aspect of our lives. And each generation has their own preferences, expectations and drivers for using tech.

How QR Codes Can Improve Asset Management in Retail Stores

QR codes have become a ubiquitous part of modern life, appearing on everything from product packaging to billboards. But QR codes are not just for marketing – they can also be a powerful tool for improving asset management in retail stores. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of using QR codes for asset management in retail, and how they can help retailers to streamline their operations and improve their bottom line.

What are Asset Tags and How are They Important for a Business

‍ Asset Tags are an essential tool for businesses and organizations that need to manage their assets efficiently. These small tags, which are typically attached to equipment, provide an easy way to track and manage the location, status, and maintenance of assets. Asset Tags can be used in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, retail, and education, among others.

The Benefits of Using Barcodes for Asset Tracking in Manufacturing

Asset tracking is an essential process for manufacturers to manage their physical assets efficiently. It involves tracking and managing assets such as machinery, equipment, tools, and materials throughout their lifecycle, from acquisition to disposal. Effective asset tracking helps manufacturers keep track of their assets, manage their inventory levels, reduce costs, and improve their operational efficiency. One technology that has been widely adopted for asset tracking in manufacturing is barcodes.

How to do Fixed Asset Verification?

With the changing environment and the sudden positive change in innovation, it has led the world to a life full of comfort which at any given point includes the management of all your assets just with a simple click. With the help of Asset Management Automated Software one can easily track, manage, verify, pull reports of their assets etc. That too on a real-time basis.

The Importance of Inventory Management for Retail Businesses

No matter which industry your organization comes under, they must be having a certain set of inventories that they use. The prime use of Inventory lies in a manufacturing or retail industry, the one who produces the goods and the one who are related to the whole process of delivering it to the ultimate consumer. It is very important to keep track of inventory in an organization as it leads to the right path by bringing in the balance that it always required.

Retail Inventory Management Best Practices: Tips for Success

Effective inventory management is an essential aspect of running a successful retail business. Whether you own a small boutique or a large chain of stores, managing your inventory properly can help you reduce costs, increase efficiency, and maximize profits. However, inventory management can be a complex and time-consuming task that requires a significant amount of planning and attention to detail.

EAM vs APM: Which One is Right for Your Business?

Welcome to our blog on Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) vs. Asset Performance Management (APM). In today's fast-paced business world, asset management has become a critical component for companies looking to remain competitive. With the growing complexity of modern assets, it's essential for organizations to have effective strategies in place to manage their assets and maximize their value. Two popular approaches that have emerged are EAM and APM.

How Asset Optimization Helps Small Businesses?

Small and medium-sized businesses face numerous challenges when it comes to managing their assets, from limited resources to a lack of specialized expertise. Asset optimization can be a powerful tool to help small businesses overcome these challenges and improve their operations. Small businesses can reduce costs, increase revenue, and improve their overall performance by maximizing the value and efficiency of their assets.

Why AI Isn't Working for Everyone

Digital code behind a digitized face Welcome back to our series with Nicholas Wegman, Ph.D., Senior Director of Artificial Intelligence and Alex Barnes, Senior Director of Product Management, as they continue to discuss the science behind Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reveal how it can specifically increase retail/CPG margin. In the second part of our three-part series, we’ll delve deeper into the data science of AI, and why it’s not working for every business.