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Search Relevance - Solr & Elasticsearch Similarities

Lucene has a lot of options for configuring similarity. By extension, Solr and Elasticsearch have the same options. Similarity makes the base of your relevancy score: how similar is this document (actually, this field in this document) to the query? I’m saying the base of the score because, on top of this score, you can apply per-field boosts, function scoring (e.g. boost more recent documents) and re-ranking (e.g. Learning to Rank).

5 Best Practices for Getting the Most out of RUM

More than likely you’re here because you’ve made the leap or are thinking of making the leap in investing in a Real Monitoring Solution. Congrats. You’re one step closer to having the power of user metrics working in your favor. Real User Monitoring is a way for your users to communicate with you how satisfied they were when they interacted with your website or webapp, so how can you be sure you’re listening correctly?

Solr Learning To Rank and Streaming Expressions

During the Entity Extraction For Product Searches talk that Radu Gheorghe and I gave at Activate conference in Montreal last year, we talked about various natural language processing and machine learning algorithms. We showed entity extraction both on top of Solr and using external libraries. In this post we dig into Learning to Rank with Solr Streaming Expressions.

Use Case Focused Elasticsearch Online Training Classes to Fit Your Exact Needs

We’ve been working with Elasticsearch since its inception, either with clients on consulting for Elasticsearch products and Elasticsearch production support, or by building our own hosted log management solution. For the last 4 years, we’ve also been sharing our knowledge through Elasticsearch training classes. In 2018, we had remote public training classes on a fixed quarterly schedule, so you can more easily plan your learning time and budget.

Generating Word Embeddings with Gensim's word2vec

During our Activate presentation, we talked about how to do query expansion by dynamically generating synonyms. Instead of statically defining synonyms lists, we showed a demo of how you could use word2vec to derive synonyms from a dataset. Before we start, check out a useful Solr Cheat Sheets to guide you through Solr and help boost your productivity and save time.

Streamlined Kubernetes Cluster Agent

Sematext provides a single pane of glass and machine learning powered alerts for logs, metrics, traces and digital user experience data. The new Sematext agent is fully Docker Engine and Kubernetes-aware. (Re)written in Go, it has a minimal memory and CPU footprint. It also collects Kubernetes metrics in the most optimal fashion possible.