Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


The Best MySQL Monitoring Tools & Software of 2020

Evolving MySQL operations requires understanding how MySQL works. A good monitoring tool alerts on issues before they impact end users and helps reduce the MTTR of incidents when they do occur. But choosing a database monitoring solution can be tough due to the vast number of solutions available, each with their own pros and cons. In this blog post, I’ll review some of the best MySQL monitoring tools available that can help measure and improve database performance.

20+ User Experience (UX) Metrics Every Product Manager Should Measure

User experience (UX) is everything today. Poor digital experience can easily and quickly reflect in your client list and thus, your bottom line. It starts from the first user interaction with your website or webapp and ends with… well, it never quite ends. User experience is, in fact, a continuous process that goes on and on until the user decides to stop using your product.

Getting Started with Sematext Browser SDK for Front-end Performance Monitoring

Open-sourcing a code base for the world to see after working on it for a long time is a great experience. You should care about what your users want. You want your users to have a great experience using your product. Everything has to fall into place. Performance, responsiveness, user experience, etc. all have to be exceptional. That’s why I think front-end performance metrics are crucial.

Understanding Logging Levels: What They Are & How To Use Them

Making sense out of logs is not an easy task. Log management solutions, such as Sematext Cloud, gather and accept data from multiple sources. Those sources can have different log events structures, providing a different granularity. They may not follow common, logging good practices and be hard to get some meaning from. Because of that, it is important that the application we develop and follow best practices. One of those is keeping meaningful log levels.

What Are SSL Certificate Errors: Causes & Best Practices on How to Prevent and Fix Them

What do you think of a website that displays SSL/TLS certificate errors when you visit it? Most people abandon it in disappointment. A certain amount of trust and respect for the service is lost. After investing a lot of effort and time in getting users to visit your site, and the user finds the site down or showing a warning, it will result in having dissatisfied users. Moreover, if the downtime or warning is due to a security issue, it will also hurt your brand image.

10+ Best Log Analysis Tools & Log Analyzers of 2020 (Paid, Free & Open-source)

Log analytics, log analysis, and log management tools have become essential in troubleshooting. With logging analysis tools – also known as network log analysis tools – you can extract meaningful data from logs to pinpoint the root cause of any app or system error, and find trends and patterns to help guide your business decisions, investigations, and security.

The Complete Guide to Log Analysis: What it is, How it Works, Use Cases & Tools

Logs are one of the most valuable assets when it comes to IT system management and monitoring. As they record every action that took place on your network, logs provide the insight you need to spot issues that might impact performance, compliance, and security. That’s why log management should be part of any monitoring infrastructure.

Complete Guide to Script Errors: What Are They and How to Fix Them

Do you use an error tracking tool for your website? Have you ever tried to debug a problem that a user reported, and when you looked at your error tracking tool the reported error was simply: “Script Error”? Such errors are impossible to further debug because there is no additional information apart from that message.

Website Benchmarking: An Example on How to Benchmark Performance Against Competitors

Time to first byte, first contentful paint, DNS response time, round-trip time, and the list goes on and on. With all of these metrics, how are you supposed to know which are the most important ones that you should monitor? To understand what those numbers are supposed to look like, you’ll have to get a reference point. Something that’s supposed to give you a starting point.