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Is Northern Virginia Really the Least Reliable AWS Region And Why?

AWS users usually assume that Northern Virginia, also referred to as US East (N. Virginia) and us-east-1, is the least reliable in terms of uptime. We analyzed AWS outage history in 2022 across regions to see if N. Virginia, indeed, had the most downtime. Then we reviewed and proved some of the theories as to why N. Virginia has the most outages.

The Most Reliable Educational Platform (LMS) for Schools and K-12 in 2023

To understand the reliability of the popular learning management systems (LMS), we analyzed incident and outage reports from the official status pages for Seesaw, Blackboard, Canvas by Instructure, PowerSchool, Nearpod, and Google Classroom over a one-year period.

23 Facts on GitHub Reliability in 2022: Data Study of Outages by StatusGator

With over 83 million users, GitHub is one of the most popular development tools out there and the third most monitored service on StatusGator. Since so many users depend on GitHub, we wanted to analyze GitHub’s reliability in 2022 and find and uncover some interesting facts about GitHub outages.

7 Statuspage Alternatives for Better Incident Communication

Statuspage is a popular status page provider used by thousands of teams to communicate the status of their services. Atlassian acquired Statuspage, a Y-Combinator-backed service, in 2016 and invested significantly in expanding status page features to stand out among Statuspage alternatives. Overall, Statuspage is a well-established status page software, but it comes with a higher price than other Statuspage.io alternatives.

CircleCI Outages: Have They Kept Their Promises in 2022?

At the beginning of April 2022, a massive disruption in CircleCI caused large portions of their cloud offering to be unavailable for users worldwide. It occurred after CircleCI deployed a change to its front end and an auto-vacuum job on one of its core databases. Due to this outage, CircleCI users were unable to run tests and deploy code. After the incident, CircleCI promised to prevent these kinds of disruptions in the future.

How Did Slack Perform a Year After the Acquisition by Salesforce

Slack is a popular messaging and communication platform used for work, study, groups, and communities. According to Techjury, more than 10 million people used Slack every day in 2022, and 43% of Fortune 100 businesses are paying for Slack subscriptions. On July 21, 2021, Salesforce completed its purchase of Slack for $27.7 billion and announced plans to make Slack an operating unit under Salesforce.

Private Status Page 101. Best Tools, Providers, and Cost

A private status page is a website or communication platform that provides status updates and notifications to a specific group of people rather than the general public. Private status pages are often used by companies to keep their employees, users, or partners informed about the status of their products, services, infrastructure, vendors, and providers.

What Was the Least Reliable GitHub Feature in 2022

With over 83 million users, GitHub is one of the most popular development tools out there and the third most monitored service on StatusGator. Since so many users depend on GitHub, we wanted to analyze GitHub’s downtime over the past year and see which GitHub features (i.e., Codespaces, PRs, Actions, etc.) were the least reliable.

The Most Reliable WordPress Hosting Providers. The Study Based on Real Outage Data

According to data from W3Techs, more than 40% of all websites are built on WordPress. Therefore, it’s no surprise that WordPress hosting has skyrocketed in popularity recently and hosting providers have proliferated. With so many choices, it’s important to understand just how reliable WordPress hosts are, especially when it comes to downtime. Web hosting downtime can have significant consequences such as business loss, brand damage, and missed opportunities.