As data volumes continue to grow and observability plays an ever-greater role in ensuring optimal website and application performance, responsibility for end-user experience is shifting left. This can create a messy situation with hundreds of R&D members from back-end engineers, front-end teams as well as DevOps and SREs, all shipping data and creating their own dashboards and alerts.
Cloudwatch is a standard component for any AWS user, with tight integrations into every AWS service. While Cloudwatch initially seems like a cost-effective solution, its lack of functionality and flexibility can result in higher costs. Let’s explore Coralogix vs Cloudwatch.
With constantly decreasing user attention spans, ensuring a seamless user experience has become a priority for all digital businesses. Users who encounter minimal application disruptions and responsive interactions will likely stay engaged and loyal to your product. And that’s exactly what RUM or Real User Monitoring tools such as Coralogix’s RUM solution offer.
There are several reasons for creating a highly efficient and performant database in the current web era. RocksDB is an embedded key-value store designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. It is an open-source database engine developed by Facebook, which builds upon the strengths of LevelDB while incorporating several enhancements for durability, scalability, and performance.