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A Sanity Listicle for Mobile Developers

Just like that Mobile March Madness 2021 is almost in our rearview. Before we look to April, let’s recap some of our most notable mobile updates from this past month with a few tips on how to solve what matters faster and a sneak peek of what’s coming next. That’s right. We’re constantly improving our mobile monitoring solution independent of our alliteration-based marketing campaigns.

Using Sentry Performance To Make Sentry Performant

Like many companies, Sentry uses feature flags to determine when certain users see certain features. Recently, we decided to switch our feature flag software to an open-source system called Flagr. And while implementing Flagr, we used our new Performance tools to find — and ultimately fix — a serious issue in how we were fetching our flags.

Performance Monitoring for Android Applications

Android is arguably the most ubiquitous operating system in the world. Whether it’s a tablet, phone, folding phone, computer, TV, or IoT device, chances are you’ve interacted with Android OS. And to help developers get full visibility into how their customers experience Android’s myriad applications, we’re extending Performance to Android.

Performance Monitoring Support for React Native

March Mobile Madness continues with Performance support for React Native. Our friend, Jenn Meung shares how Performance supports his mobile appliction. In addition to working with Sentry, I also contribute to Tour, a travel app which helps people plan trips with a drag-and-drop interface. Because Tour is built with React Native, we’ve always had issues accurately gauging how people use our app and its performance.

Issue Detail Performance Improvements

One of Sentry’s most-trafficked pages is our issue details page, as it helps our customers understand the root cause an error. For those of you who are new to Sentry, we define an issue as a group of similar events. To render the issue details, a significant amount of data needs to be fetched — counts, charts, event details, and other metadata. The two main components on this page are the latest event, and summary statistics.

With Flutter and Sentry, You Can Put All Your Eggs in One Repo

This month we’re updating several of our mobile SDKs. You might think it’s madness… Mobile March Madness. First up is Flutter. It’s fair to say that all of us have had a bad mobile experience which frustrated us enough to warrant switching apps. Getting the experience right requires a lot of work due to the variety of OSes, screen sizes and orientations.