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Azure Spring Clean Stop Committing Your Secrets - by Dwayne McDaniel GitKraken

No one wants their keys and secrets on GitHub, but one bad push can mean you are suddenly exposed. Git and open source provide a way to automatically check for secrets on every commit! Dwayne McDaniel is the Developer Evangelist for GitKraken. This talk was released as part of Azure Spring Clean 2022 conference. Learn more about GitKraken's legendary tools for Git, including GitKraken Client, GitLens for VS Code, and Git Integration for Jira.

Git Integration for Jira Cloud Release: Atlassian Data Residency & New User Interface

Git Integration for Jira Cloud has seen some major updates in the last quarter, including new data residency support for the EU and US regions and a BRAND NEW interface for Jira administrators: giving you more control over managing your integrations and repositories directly from Jira. Let’s dive into the new features and improvements for Git Integration for Jira Cloud.

GitKraken Client Tutorial: How to Use the Git GUI & CLI

GitKraken Client is the most popular Git client in the world and the only one that comes equipped with both a graphical user interface (GUI) and command line interface (CLI). In this tutorial video you’ll learn how to easily and safely leverage the full power of Git. Use chapters to quickly skip ahead.

GitLens 12 - Visual Studio Code for the Web Support & GitLens+

GitLens users rejoice! This release introduces exciting updates, including preview support for a browser-based editing experience in VS Code online, legendary new GitLens+ features like Worktrees and Visual File History, and more! Keep reading to see what’s new in GitLens 12.

GitKraken Client v8.3: Now 2x Faster for Apple Silicon Users

What do Olympic speed skaters and developers have in common? They have a need…a need for speed. 😏 Nobody likes moving slow, no matter if you’re competing for the gold, or just trying to deploy an awesome new feature. The GitKraken team has been hard at work making sure all GitKraken Client users, especially macOS users, have the speediest experience possible when leveraging our legendary Git client to collaborate with teams.

GitKraken Client v8.3 Release - Now 2x Faster for Apple Silicon Users

The GitKraken Client now runs natively on Apple Silicon with faster performance and lower power consumption. Additionally, a Mac Big Sur update means that those on MacOS Big Sur or later no longer need to run custom terminal commands to improve performance. If you are on a Mac with Apple Silicon, you will need to download the new client from our website and replace your existing client, but don’t worry. All of your settings, including profiles and integrations, will remain intact.

CLI Stands For.... A CLI Intro Series - Part 1

Intro to the CLI – Part 1: Why Learn to Use The Terminal and Some History Long-time fans of GitKraken Client have come to love the graphical user interface, or GUI, that allows you to click on a Git branch or commit to perform an action or even drag and drop a branch to start a pull request. Version 8.0 of GitKraken Client introduced the GitKraken CLI, allowing you to interact with your repositories, and the rest of your computer, from Terminal Tabs.

Git Integration for Jira v4.0 - New Git Indexing

Zip into Git Integration for Jira version 4.0! Our team has been whipping up some speedy new features and improvements to enhance your Git Integration for Jira Data Center and Jira Server experience. Do more in Git without leaving Jira, reducing context switching for a better workflow. Start using Git Integration for Jira free today! Start Free Trial.