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Data Centers

Top 10 Data Center Management Trends of 2021

What a difference a year makes. Each year, data center, lab, and edge sites become more complex, more distributed, and more difficult to manage. Managers must stay up to date on the latest trends and advancements in data center management best practices and technologies to maintain uptime, increase the efficiency of capacity utilization, and improve the productivity of people.

How Leading Data Center Managers Track and Manage Parts

Data center managers often struggle to accurately track and manage their data center parts inventory. Legacy management tools like Excel spreadsheets are commonly used, but they fail to support the complexity and distributed nature of modern data center environments. They are hard to use, difficult to maintain, time-consuming, and error-prone.

8 Simple Ways to Enhance Your Data Center Busway Deployment

Modern data centers and labs are growing in density and complexity as IT devices require more and more power to racks. As such, many data center and lab managers deploy overhead busways for their reduced installation costs and better flexibility, scalability, reliability, and aesthetics. However, without a software solution to monitor and manage your busways, you likely aren’t getting the full value out of them.

Sunbird Wins Datacenter Insider's Datacenter Innovations Award

We are proud to share that Sunbird was recognized by Datacenter Insider as silver award winner in the Datacenter Innovations category in their 2021 IT Awards. According to Datacenter Insider, this year's IT Awards received a record 64,000 reader votes. Datacenter Insider's readers were able to choose from one of the nominated companies available for selection as their favorite by online voting and were able to suggest other companies as well.

5 Ways to Automate Data Center Operations

Data center automation is the process in which routine processes of data center operations are completed without any manual effort. It increases operational efficiency, improves data accuracy, and simplifies data center management. One of the leading organizations in driving automation via integration with Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) software is Workday. Workday has been a Sunbird customer for over five years and currently has 900+ users on their system and growing.