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The Beginning of a New Journey: Outlining Ribbon's Strategic Initiatives

My first three months as President and CEO of Ribbon have been a whirlwind by any standard. But also satisfying and invigorating. We have huge potential and expectations for our new company as the merger of Ribbon and ECI accelerates, even while managing the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic. Like everyone, we have quickly adapted to the new normal and in many areas are even more productive than before.

What's Next After Connectivity?

Across the world, many network operators, fiber network wholesalers, municipalities, and local authorities are in a race to put fiber in the ground. New techniques and specialized tools have reduced the time it takes to deploy optical fiber and increased the amount of fiber held in a single duct, this makes the dream of providing fiber to every premise a cost-effective reality.

The simple way to connect Microsoft Teams users to your SIP trunks quickly

The current period, with so many working from home due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, has seen a considerable increase in cloud communications consumption. Microsoft Teams’ daily active user count alone has more than doubled in approximately a month. As a long-time partner of Microsoft, Ribbon and our partners have been on the front lines helping organizations keep their communications robust and available during this time.

Ribbon Supports Remote Staff with Unified Communication as a Service (UCaaS) and Collaboration Rooms on IBM Public Cloud

“I want to look them in the eye.” It’s a common saying about the importance of body language. In the past, that “look” might take a day of travel and cost most of a day of productivity. Today, however, modern enterprises are turning to real-time unified communication solutions to get meeting participants engaged—and cloud technology is the key.