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Deployment Frequency Explained

While metrics have always been fundamental to improvement in the business world, the growing prominence of DevOps in recent years has elevated their importance in the context of software development. To build a continuous improvement culture, you need a set of metrics that allows you to establish a baseline and inform where the improvement opportunities lie. Arguably the most popular of them is DORA metrics. In this post, we will focus on Deployment Frequency, one of four DORA metrics.

How to define software failure

Two of the four DORA metrics, Change Failure Rate and MTTR, require that you first define what failure means. Does failure always mean incident? Or should failure mean rollback? In this video, Don walks you through a couple different ways to define failure, and how Sleuth does it today. SLEUTH A deploy-based DORA / Accelerate Metrics tracker both managers and developers love.

The wrong lessons to learn from the Log4j vulnerability

Log4j and Java sucks, but I don't use that, so I'm safe...right? Wrong. This video walks through the wrong lessons to take away from the huge Log4j remote code execution vulnerability, and points you at the lessons you should be learning instead. While the Log4j vulnerability may not directly affect you, its type of vulnerabilities certainly do.

How to easily track DORA metrics

With Sleuth, you can instantly and automatically track the four DORA metrics: Change Lead Time, Deploy Frequency, Change Failure Rate, and MTTR. No more, no less. Sleuth tracks them accurately, doesn't attempt to track dubious individual metrics, and doesn't require any manual work. SLEUTH A deploy-based Accelerate Metrics tracker both managers and developers love.