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The State of Incidents and Site Reliability: Q&A with Blameless SRE Architect Kurt Andersen

In the latest of an occasional series, today we hear from Kurt Andersen, SRE Architect at Blameless, discussing the evolution of incident management, current trends in site reliability affecting engineering teams, as well as an update on how Blameless is addressing the needs of SRE and DevOps.

Managing Burnout | Tips To Minimize The Impact

Burnout is real. Today, the source of burnout can be anything from pandemic fatigue, to the onslaught of political divisiveness, or simply the pace of life worldwide. Whatever the culprit, we’re living in a stressful time. People working in cloud native environments definitely feel burnt out. Silicon Valley investor Marc Andreessen famously said, “Software is eating the world,” and that seems to be quite true. High demand is fueling churn. System and cloud operators feel pressure.

How to use PagerDuty with Blameless

Blameless integrates with PagerDuty so you can notify teams and key stakeholders during an incident. We also help you search escalation policies and on-call rotation schedules. In this video, our Solutions Engineer walks you through navigating the initial setup and configuration in the Blameless UI. He'll then demonstrate how the integration works in real-time. If you use Slack or Microsoft Teams for internal communications, you'll also learn how to access and manage the PagerDuty integration from within those tools.