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The Road to Zero Touch Goes Through Machine Learning

The telecom industry is in the midst of a massive shift to new service offerings enabled by 5G and edge computing technologies. With this digital transformation, networks and network services are becoming increasingly complex: RAN, Core and Transport are only a few of the network’s many layers and integrated components. Today’s telecom engineers are expected to handle, manage, optimize, monitor and troubleshoot multi-technology and multi-vendor networks.

Correlation Analysis Explained

When you detect that something is off in your business, how long does it take you to find the root cause? The longer it takes, the more it can cost you. Correlation analysis identifies relationships between KPIs, which business teams use to accelerate root cause analysis (RCA) and mean time to remediation (MTTR). Doing it manually however can be tedious and limit your visibility.

Why CSPs Need to Shift Focus to Service Experience Monitoring

The past twelve months have pushed many communication service providers (CSPs) to the limit. According to financial reports of the last six months, the New Normal brought about by the pandemic has significantly increased network expansion efforts, IoT connections, new broadband customers, and out of bundle voice traffic and mobile data.

15 of the Best Data Analytics Tools of 2021

The importance of effective data analytics within an organization is widely accepted by business leaders at this point. With use cases for data analysis spanning every department—from IT management, financial planning, marketing analytics, and so on—the right data analytics tools can have a significant impact on a company’s profitability and growth.

Why choose Anodot for AWS cloud costs monitoring?

Anodot collects AWS real-time usage metrics and AWS CUR files to enable full visibility. Anodot automatically learns each service usage pattern, using patented anomaly detection technology and alert relevant teams to anomalous spikes or drops in real-time. Our patented anomaly detection technology learns the behavior and every service you use - EC2, S3, ELB and the rest, to automatically identify any deviation from the expected usage and cost pattens. Leave alert storms, false positives, and dashboards behind and leverage the power of proactive, autonomous monitoring.

Anodot Tutorial: Introducing Business Impact Alerts

Now there’s an easy way to measure the business impact of every incident. Anodot lets you set a monetary value for each measure you monitor. Once you set the Impact Value, future alerts will show you how much the anomaly has cost you thus far. Anodot is the only monitoring solution built from the ground up to find and fix key business incidents, as they’re happening. As opposed to most monitoring solutions, which focus on machine and system data to track performance, Anodot also monitors the more volatile and less predictable business metrics that directly impact your company’s bottom line.

Top 10 Thought Leaders in AI/ML We're Following

One of the best ways to stay current in the fast-evolving field of artificial intelligence and machine learning is by following thought leaders, evangelists, and influencers in the industry. In this article, we’ve selected 10 of the most influential thought leaders (listed alphabetically) that are helping drive the field forward.

10 Must-Read Data Analytics Websites

The field of data analytics is rapidly evolving alongside advances in technologies such as AI and machine learning. There are many valuable resources online that can help you stay up-to-date with the industry — from news sites, industry analysis, and the latest scientific research. We’re listing the top 10 websites and blogs (listed alphabetically) for anyone interested in keeping up with recent industry developments.