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The latest News and Information on Serverless Monitoring, Management, Development and related cloud technologies.

Visualizing your CloudFormation Template with Stackery

Stackery can be used to create a new CloudFormation template or to quickly visualize an existing one. Code is automatically generated as you simply drag-and-drop resources on a graphical grid. The experience is much more intuitive than previous generation tools like AWS CloudFormation Designer. Stackery visualizes resources the way a human would perceive them, grouping related resources together.

The great serverless cost debate (Serverless = Costless)

If you’re worried that switching to serverless infrastructure is too expensive for your business, you’re not alone. Total spending on cloud services will top $284 billion by 2024. The good news is there are many ways to track and lower your serverless operation costs without slowing down your business. Lambda and how can it help your business? Find out more by reading these Lambda frequently asked questions.

Visualizing CloudFormation templates

As your infrastructure grows, getting a handle on all your AWS resources can be overwhelming. While that’s probably an understatement, help could be right around the corner. We’ll cover a few CloudFormation visualizer tools that can help, but let’s level set first. AWS CloudFormation is an established Infrastructure-as-Code solution that allows you to define, provision, organize, manage and update your AWS resources from a text-file template.

Best Practices For Logging In AWS Lambda

Today, we’ll cover some of the ways you might find quite useful in your everyday work. We’ll go through some of the logging best practices in AWS Lambda, and we will explain how and why these ways will simplify your AWS Lambda logging. For more information about similar topics, be sure to visit our blog. Let’s start with the basics (and if you have the basics covered, feel free to skip ahead): How does logging work with AWS Lambda?

Why We Built the CloudZero Platform on Serverless Infrastructure - and Its 2 Main Advantages

The promise of running a business on the cloud is that — in theory, at least — you should be able to scale your infrastructure up and down with your customer utilization. This should lead, again in theory, to less maintenance and more opportunity for innovation.

Analyze and audit your infrastructure as code with stack.new

Defining and managing your AWS resources using an Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) approach implemented with CloudFormation templates makes a lot of sense. While implementing IaC is a widely accepted best practice, it does come with challenges. Managing your infrastructure from lines of code and text-file templates, in the case of AWS CloudFormation, can quickly become overwhelming. We built stack.new to ease that pain.

Introducing Stackoscope For Serverless Applications

Here at Lumigo, we are focused on helping customers succeed with serverless and make it easier for them to build and run serverless applications in production. We love serverless and operate one of the largest serverless systems out there as we ingest and process billions of events from our customers. One thing many customers have asked us for help with is to identify misconfigured resources or places where they can improve by following best practices.

When to use Docker on AWS Lambda, Lambda Layers, and Lambda Extensions

2020 was a difficult year for all of us, and it was no different for engineering teams. Many software releases were postponed, and the industry slowed its development speed quite a bit. But at least at AWS, some teams released updates out of the door at the end of the year. AWS Lambda received two significant improvements: With these two new features and Lambda Layers, we now have three ways to add code to Lambda that isn’t directly part of our Lambda function.

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Sizing Cloud Resources

One of the most common concerns when moving to the cloud is cost. Given that cloud allows you to turn IT costs from CAPEX (long-term investments ex. in hardware equipment and software licenses) into OPEX (day-to-day operating expenses), it’s crucial to choose the right service and estimate it properly. In this article, we’ll look at the common pitfalls and discuss how you can avoid them to truly benefit from the cloud’s elasticity.

Debugging with Dashbird: Lambda Configuration Error

It shouldn’t be a surprise that Lambda configuration error is one of the most common error messages, and we all know AWS error messages aren’t known for being especially detailed. Oftentimes you will come across other vague error messages like “encoding not enabled,” or “stream is failing,” and depending on the context, this could mean your services could be completely down.