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Fire up new Browser checks with our new templates

Let’s admit it: end-to-end testing is a technical challenge. How do you make features testable? What testing framework should you use? When should you run your test suite? There are so many things to learn and consider. At Checkly, we want to ease end-to-end monitoring so that you can focus on shipping excellent software instead of figuring out how you monitor and test it. But before getting into our latest feature addition, let me answer the above questions.

How to always match the correct DOM elements with Playwright's strict mode

Playwright's "page" object provides multiple methods to interact with DOM elements ("click", "fill", etc.). But these methods come with one downside: they're not strict. Learn in this video why strict mode is important and how locator method help to write better test cases.

GitHub Browser check synchronization goes into public beta

One of our goals here at Checkly is to make it easier for developers to ship excellent software. But let’s face it, getting features out is only a tiny fraction of the story. Fast-moving development teams also break things. And the more things you build, the more things can go wrong. And trust me, they will. This is where API and end-to-end monitoring helps. Define automated test suites that check all your properties constantly and guarantee that everything’s up and running. All the time.

How to speed up your Playwright scripts with request interception

If you're running hundreds of Playwright scripts in your monitoring infrastructure you know that slow scripts lead to long-running test suites. Every Playwright script should run as quickly as possible. In this video, Stefan explains how to use Playwright's request interception feature to block requests and load websites faster.