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Manage Debian, Ubuntu, and derivative Linux distributions with Landscape Scripts

What are you tinkering with over your vacation? Perhaps you have ambitions to have a beautiful homelab, launch pet projects on a public cloud, or build do it yourself home automation. Ubuntu has broad community and commercial support, making it the logical choice when you need to provision machines and containers with a mix of proprietary and open source software. Once your homelab, home automation, or public cloud projects are running, you can deploy Landscape beta.

Essential Guide to sudo and su in Linux

Most Linux users will be faced with sudo and su at least once in their lives. Because of their comparable syntax and overlapping functions, it is often complicated for new users to differentiate between them. The commands sudo and su are among the most widespread and effective in Linux. By deterring unpredictable things in your network, you can deter performance and safety issues in your network. The two methods of gaining root privileges are sudo and su.

Chiselled Ubuntu: the perfect present for your containerised and cloud applications

As we enter the holiday season, online shopping and payment systems are gearing up for higher traffic and workloads. Ensuring that these applications can handle the increased demand without slowing down or crashing is critical for providing a smooth and efficient experience for customers. One way to improve the performance and reliability of these applications is by using chiselled Ubuntu images in your containerised deployment.

Repatriation to reduce public cloud spend - easier said than done?

Repatriation in cloud computing refers to moving workloads from the public cloud to on-premise infrastructure. Sarah Wang and Martin Casado from Andreessen Horowitz have written one of the most popular articles about repatriation: they explain the motivation with the significant cost savings possible. For software-based businesses, public cloud spend can rise to 50% of the cost of revenue (COR). Reducing these costs has the potential for significant margin increases.

What is MLOps?

MLOps is the short term for machine learning operations and it represents a set of practices that aim to simplify workflow processes and automate machine learning and deep learning deployments. It accomplishes the deployment and maintenance of models reliably and efficiently for production, at a large scale. MLOps is slowly evolving into an independent approach to the machine learning lifecycle that includes all steps – from data gathering to governance and monitoring.

Explaining Load Average in Linux for System Administrators & Developers

When you run the uptime command, most of you might be familiar with the three numbers appearing on the top right corner of your Linux screen. But, do you know what those numbers indicate or why there are three such numbers? It is called the load average, a metric that assesses the load on your computer systems. While it can be considered a precise tool for measuring system and resource engagement, it would only be worthwhile if you understand it right.

Open source in financial services - start with a strong foundation

Financial Institutions (FIs) need to respond with agility and business velocity to keep pace with changing economic conditions. Yet, emerging competition from fintechs and challenger banks and increasing customer expectations is making this task difficult, especially as regulatory and compliance requirements increase. Embracing the next phase of digital transformation is an imperative for financial institutions to sustain and grow in a competitive environment of rising cost pressures.