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How Sleuth measures Change Lead Time

Change Lead Time can be considered the most insightful of the four DORA metrics. But how do you measure it most accurately? In this video, Don Brown shows you how Sleuth measures Change Lead Time for code changes and how Sleuth breaks down that time into multiple buckets for the most detailed insight on what's slowing your team down. Check out these videos on how Sleuth measures other DORA metrics.

How Sleuth measures Change Failure Rate

Before you can measure the DORA metric for Change Failure Rate, you need to define what failure means. In this video, Sleuth's CTO Don Brown explains how Sleuth defines and measures Change Failure Rate, and how it ties failure back to deployments. Check out these videos on how Sleuth measures other DORA metrics: Give Sleuth a try and see why it's a deploy-based Accelerate / DORA metrics tracker both managers and developers love.

How Sleuth measures Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR)

The DORA metric Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR) tracks how long on average your failure spans are. In this video, Sleuth CTO Don Brown explains how Sleuth calculates this measurement, which gives you insight on how quickly your team can respond to and recover from failure. Check out these videos on how Sleuth measures other DORA metrics: Give Sleuth a try and see why it's a deploy-based Accelerate / DORA metrics tracker both managers and developers love.

Are metrics vendors lying? Reaction to Gergerly Orosz's tweet

Gergely Orosz said measuring developer productivity by visualizing JIRA+git stats is a dead-end if you want truly high-performing teams, and that engineering managers hang on to this hope, fueled by vendors claiming how these tools helps teams ship better/faster. So are metrics vendors lying? Find out what Don has to say. SLEUTH A deploy-based DORA / Accelerate Metrics tracker both managers and developers love.

How to define software failure

Two of the four DORA metrics, Change Failure Rate and MTTR, require that you first define what failure means. Does failure always mean incident? Or should failure mean rollback? In this video, Don walks you through a couple different ways to define failure, and how Sleuth does it today. SLEUTH A deploy-based DORA / Accelerate Metrics tracker both managers and developers love.