How Sleuth measures Change Lead Time

How Sleuth measures Change Lead Time

Aug 10, 2022

Change Lead Time can be considered the most insightful of the four DORA metrics. But how do you measure it most accurately? In this video, Don Brown shows you how Sleuth measures Change Lead Time for code changes and how Sleuth breaks down that time into multiple buckets for the most detailed insight on what's slowing your team down.

0:00 Change Lead Time defined

0:30 Tracking changes based on deployments

1:14 Change Lead Time for pull requests

1:45 The 4 buckets of Change Lead Time

2:33 How Sleuth measures coding time changes

2:54 How Sleuth measures changes in review lag time

3:18 How Sleuth measures review time changes

3:33 How Sleuth measures changes in deploy time

Check out these videos on how Sleuth measures other DORA metrics:

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