How Sleuth measures Change Failure Rate

How Sleuth measures Change Failure Rate

Aug 10, 2022

Before you can measure the DORA metric for Change Failure Rate, you need to define what failure means. In this video, Sleuth's CTO Don Brown explains how Sleuth defines and measures Change Failure Rate, and how it ties failure back to deployments.

0:00 Change Failure Rate overview

0:20 Two types of failure: simple or anomaly detection

0:47 Simple failure type 1: Rollback

1:12 Simple failure type 2: Incident

1:29 Incident detection in Sleuth

2:35 Anomaly detection

2:56 Tracking errors in Sleuth for anomaly detection

3:28 Other metrics Sleuth can measure for anomaly detection

3:53 Customize anomaly detection with webhooks

4:06 Pointing Sleuth at builds to detect anomalies

4:33 Anomaly detection can be customized in project settings

4:58 Sensitivity to detect Change Failure Rate

5:17 Set sensitivity level

5:47 Determining failure - Last known deployment

Check out these videos on how Sleuth measures other DORA metrics:

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