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Solution Brief: Increase Data Visibility and Accelerate Attack Resolution with Exabeam and Cribl LogStream

Traditional security tools struggle to adapt to the new world of cyber threats. To keep up with the growing number of daily threats, understaffed security teams need new cloud-delivered solutions and tactics focused on generating attack resolutions, consistently and repeatedly. Enter Exabeam. Exabeam powers security teams with analytics-driven insights to uncover, investigate, and resolve threats legacy tools may miss.

7 Proven Tips for a Successful Data Center Migration

Many data center migration teams try to mitigate some of the risks and avoid unwelcome surprises through detailed planning and following best practices. However, even with these efforts, data center migrations are so complex that some things still fall through the cracks. In this eBook, we've compiled a list of proven tips based on our experiences and those of our customers when dealing with data center moves to help data center managers tackle often-overlooked challenges and see success-before, during, and after the move.