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Introducing the Datadog Operator for Kubernetes and OpenShift

As more environments run on Kubernetes—including our own— Datadog has been making it easier to get visibility into clusters of any scale. To minimize load on the Kubernetes API server, the Datadog Agent runs in two different modes. The node-based Agent queries local containers or external endpoints for data, while the Cluster Agent fetches cluster-level metadata from the API server.

Monitor ProxySQL with Datadog

ProxySQL is a MySQL/MariaDB protocol–compliant load balancer and reverse proxy with native support for a range of popular backends including ClickHouse, Amazon Aurora, and Amazon RDS. ProxySQL efficiently distributes queries to your database servers and caches results, improving resource management and boosting database performance. You can also configure ProxySQL for high availability to reduce downtime.

Monitor Sidekiq with Datadog

Sidekiq is a Ruby framework for background job processing. Developers can use Sidekiq to asynchronously run computationally intensive tasks—such as bulk email sending, payment processing, and data importing—to help speed up the response times of their applications. If you’re using Sidekiq Pro or Enterprise, Datadog’s integration helps you monitor the progress of your jobs and the applications that depend on them, all in a single platform.

Monitor Windows containers on Google Cloud with Datadog

Many organizations already use Docker to containerize their Windows applications and often run mixed Windows and Linux container environments to support complex architectures. With Kubernetes’s support for deploying clusters with Windows nodes, organizations can leverage the orchestration platform to easily automate container provisioning, networking, scaling, and more for their Windows applications.

Monitor Confluent Platform with Datadog

Confluent Platform is an event streaming platform built on Apache Kafka. If you’re using Kafka as a data pipeline between microservices, Confluent Platform makes it easy to copy data into and out of Kafka, validate the data, and replicate entire Kafka topics. We’ve partnered with Confluent to create a new Confluent Platform integration.

Key metrics for OpenShift monitoring

Red Hat OpenShift is a Kubernetes-based platform that helps enterprise users deploy and maintain containerized applications. Users can deploy OpenShift as a self-managed cluster or use a managed service, which are available from major cloud providers including AWS, Azure, and IBM Cloud. OpenShift provides a range of benefits over a self-hosted Kubernetes installation or a managed Kubernetes service (e.g., Amazon EKS, Google Kubernetes Engine, or Azure Kubernetes Service).

OpenShift monitoring with Datadog

In Part 1, we explored three primary types of metrics for monitoring your Red Hat OpenShift environment: We also looked at how logs and events from both the control plane and your pods provide valuable insights into how your cluster is performing. In this post, we’ll look at how you can use Datadog to get end-to-end visibility into your entire OpenShift environment.

OpenShift monitoring tools

In Part 1 of this series, we looked at the key observability data you should track in order to monitor the health and performance of your Red Hat OpenShift environment. Broadly speaking, these include cluster state data, resource usage metrics, and information about cluster activity such as control plane metrics and cluster events. In this post, we’ll cover how to access this information using tools and services that come with a standard OpenShift installation.

Monitor ECS applications on AWS Fargate with Datadog

AWS Fargate allows you to run applications in Amazon Elastic Container Service without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. With Fargate, you can define containerized tasks, specify the CPU and memory requirements, and launch your applications without spinning up EC2 instances or manually managing a cluster. Datadog has proudly supported Fargate since its launch, and we have continued to collaborate with AWS on best practices for managing serverless container tasks.