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The Ultimate IT Asset Management Checklist [+Free Template]

IT Asset Management (ITAM) helps you manage your IT environment effectively, efficiently, and safely. However, implementing ITAM software can be a bit tricky if you don’t lay the groundwork accurately. But that’s what we’re here for! This IT Asset Management checklist is all you need to succeed. In fact, the practice lends itself very well to checklists. It's very helpful to organize ITAM through separate and manageable tasks in order to not get overwhelmed or miss anything important.

IT Asset Inventory: Definition, Scope, Management, and Best Practices

An IT asset inventory is your best ally to keep all your IT hardware and software organized and properly managed in your organization. It should be at the base of your IT Asset Management (ITAM) strategy since having a unified IT inventory enables you to perform all the other tasks involved in ITAM and, ultimately, accomplish long-term success.

The Definitive ISO 27001 Checklist to Implement the Standard [+Free Download]

ISO 27001 is the top internal standard for information security. When carried through correctly, it protects your environment, and makes people feel safer when using IT equipment. That being said, implementing the standard is no small task; many organizations feel overwhelmed, as they don't know where to start, or struggle and feel lost during the process.

Formal vs. Informal Communication Channels: How to Encourage Official Channel Adoption

There’s an eternal conflict between formal vs. informal communication channels when it comes to managing IT Service Management (ITSM) in organizations. We have all been in the shoes of the customer, and can understand why it might seem easier to call or text an IT agent when we need to request something quickly. But users don’t always know what is happening behind the scenes, and the whole triage process behind what seems like a simple request.

What is Software Deployment? Definition, Scope, and Best Practices

Software deployment is a central task for IT teams in organizations of all sizes. The entire process of releasing software applications to end users can present a few challenges, as it encompasses a wide range of activities, that go from building and testing software, to packaging and deploying it. Effective software deployment is critical for ensuring that software applications are delivered securely, reliably, and efficiently.

ISO 27001 and Asset Management: What Does Annex A.8.1 Say?

ISO 27001 is the gold standard to follow for effective Information Security Management, and it is deeply related to IT Asset Management. In particular, the annex A.8.1 provides all the necessary information to manage your information assets properly. So, understanding the full scope of it is crucial to create an all-round ITAM strategy that will ensure all your assets are always fully protected.

IT Asset Lifecycle Management: The 9 Stages to Manage Your IT Assets

As assets are the main object of the IT Asset Management practice, in order to take full advantage of it, it's essential to go deeper and implement a complete IT Asset Lifecycle Management. This is a complex process that goes from the request of the asset to its disposal, so it's important to design and apply a plan to ensure that every single step and requirement is addressed.

How to Develop an Asset Inventory for ISO 27001

ISO 27001 states the necessary conditions that must be followed in order to ensure effective Security Management in your organization. Because the framework includes specific requirements regarding IT assets, knowing how to develop an asset inventory for ISO 27001 will help ensure that your information assets – both physical and non-physical – are adequately protected. As a result, your organization will be safer as well.

ISO 27001: How to Implement the Information Security Standard in Your Organization

You know you're taking IT security seriously when you start looking at ISO 27001. Done well, it can be a game changer for your organization, since it has the power to level up your security, protect your information, and reduce risk. This article will look at how the ISO 27001 standard works and some of the main benefits it brings. Then we will explain how to implement the framework in your organization and the requirements for obtaining accreditation.

Top 9 Best IT Inventory Management Software in the Market

Choosing the IT Inventory Management software that suits your organization's needs requires much investigation. And with so many options in the market, it's easy to get overwhelmed. But things don't have to be that complicated. Since we know a thing or two about the subject, we thought we'd give you our rundown of the best tools so you can make an informed choice. So, keep reading to find all you need to know to get your ideal IT inventory software!