NFL playoffs are here, and Doug Madory tells us how Saturday’s first-ever exclusively live-streamed NFL playoff game was delivered without making any references to pop superstar Taylor Swift or her sizzling romance with nine-time Pro Bowler Travis Kelce.
Is SNMP on life support, or is it as relevant today as ever? The answer is more complicated than a simple yes or no. SNMP is reliable, customizable, and very widely supported. However, SNMP has some serious limitations, especially for modern network monitoring — limitations that streaming telemetry solves. In this post, learn about the advantages and drawbacks of SNMP and streaming telemetry and why they should both be a part of a network visibility strategy.
Orange España, Spain’s second largest mobile operator, suffered a major outage on January 3, 2024. The outage was unprecedented due to the use of RPKI, a mechanism designed to protect internet routing security, as a tool for denial of service. In this post, we dig into the outage and the unique manipulation of RPKI.
The year might be ending, but the Kentik news never stops. We’re back with our bite-sized roundup of everything you might have missed at Kentik in December 2023.