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Mike Kavis: Cloud Complexity is a CIO Job Killer

Today we share a recent conversation with Mike Kavis, Chief Cloud Architect at Deloitte Consulting. Mike has held numerous technical roles such as CTO, Chief Architect, and VP positions with over 30 years of experience in software development and architecture. He led a team that built the world's first high speed transaction network in Amazon's public cloud and won the 2010 AWS Global Startup Challenge.

Incident Resolution for Remote Teams

People working in IT support and incident management right now are faced with unusual difficulties supporting large remote workforces and managing unpredictable workloads. On Reddit, system admins and other IT pros are bemoaning the hiccups and hassles of working in isolation while trying to resolve issues and maintain high SLAs. You can’t go grab your indispensable SME for troubleshooting, because that person is also home and inundated with messages and alerts from many different tools.

Tech Talks With OpsRamp: Agentless and Custom Monitoring

In our recent Tech Talk, Agentless Monitoring and Custom Monitors, OpsRamp’s Curt Thorin explained how agentless and custom monitoring are critical for distributed IT operations teams. The Tech Talk also provides an interactive demo of how agentless and custom monitoring capabilities can not only support remote work strategies but also prioritize digital transformation initiatives.

MSPs: Time To Reinvent

Managed service providers (MSPs) have been around for more than 20 years, and my how things have changed since they grew out of the original application service provider (ASP) model. Until recently, MSPs have focused primarily on remote monitoring, security, network management and other routine IT tasks that CIOs would rather outsource for cheaper than they can run internally.

New OpsRamp Customer Support Portal and Feature Request Process

Customer-centricity is what many companies want to deliver, but what does that actually mean? For an enterprise software company like OpsRamp, it's about user experience and a comprehensive, feature-rich platform that delivers on their needs today and down the road. What new features or enhancements make our customers more productive and successful on the job, using our product? How can the platform work better for our customers and partners?

Survey: How IT is Adapting to the New Normal

The results of a new report, “How IT Operations Leaders Can Deliver Business Value in an Economic Slowdown,” highlights new tech initiatives and priorities during Covid-19. By all fiscal measures, the U.S. and global economy has taken a bitter downward spiral in the last six weeks. With ever-growing jobless claims and stock market losses, many IT execs are quickly re-shifting all priorities and strategies to cope with great uncertainty over the next 12 months.

The OpsRamp Monitor: Covid-19 May Further IT Modernization

Most IT professionals are working from home, enduring all the new challenges for productivity under a heavier workload. Some IT pros are working in companies where revenue forecasts are grim. But it’s time to put the gloom and doom aside for a moment. As my mother told me when our first-born was keeping us up all night: everything is temporary. While we’re in this unnerving phase of life and work, let’s take a look today at the positives and that begins with IT budgets.

Closer Look: Observability

As enterprise IT systems have become more complex and distributed due to cloud infrastructure, containers, serverless technology, an ever-growing footprint of applications and devices, IoT, SDN, open source development tools and more, the practice of performance monitoring has become far more nuanced. In these modern IT environments, traditional monitoring practices centered on known issues aren’t enough.

Complexity Debt: The Hidden Wrench In Enterprise Modernization

There is a dark side to digital transformation, but nobody wants to talk about it. I previously wrote about technical debt. But there’s also complexity debt. When a CIO decides to delay modernizing or upgrading systems, there are usually budget considerations and skills gaps that stand in the way. The IT leader’s job is one of continual evaluation of risk and opportunity amid rapid technology disruption.

Advancing IT Operations Maturity for Digital Transformation

This is part two in our blog series on Digital Transformation during Covid-19. You can read the first blog here. The global pandemic and subsequent lockdowns affecting over half the world’s population are already affecting digital transformation, on both an organizational and employee level. Starting by improving your internal customer experience is a good first step, after which digital transformation efforts can and should focus on enhancing the external customer experience in every way.