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10 Tips to Reduce MSP Costs From (and with) Auvik

Like any business, management service provider firms are always looking for ways to reduce MSP costs and improve profits. MSPs provide critical services to their clients, so finding ways to cut costs without cutting corners is essential. You’ve probably heard all the standard advice on cutting costs: review your pricing, renegotiate contracts, cut unnecessary expenses, and so on. But what about MSPs who are already doing all those things and are still looking for ways to save?

SaaS Management: An In-Depth Guide for IT Teams

SaaS management platforms are helping IT solve a new version of an old problem: user behavior and software application visibility. With endpoint solutions like remote monitoring and management (RMM) agents, MSPs and IT teams have had deep visibility into desktop applications for years. But, once a user opens a browser and logs into a SaaS app, it’s a different story. Apps and user accounts are often manually tracked via spreadsheets, and shadow IT is common.

How to Show Appreciation on Sysadmin Day 2024

Before you know it, Sysadmin Day will be here again! As we all know, sysadmins (sometimes written SysAdmins) play a critical behind-the-scenes role in keeping technology up and running smoothly. However, they often go unappreciated until something goes wrong. That’s why System Administrator Appreciation Day serves as the perfect opportunity to recognize the sysadmins that work tirelessly day in and day out to support your organization.

What is Syslog? A Guide for IT Professionals

If you’re new to IT, the “what is syslog?” question can get confusing fast because when someone says syslog, they might mean: And, frankly, it’s fair to use the word syslog for all of those. By the end of this article, you’ll understand why. This article will explain the syslog protocol in detail, including its definition, formats, best practices, and challenges.

Best Network Discovery Tools of 2024

As networking environments grow increasingly complex, keeping pace presents an ongoing challenge for network managers. With more devices, users, and applications to account for, it’s now more critical than ever to have comprehensive visibility and understanding. The 2023 Network IT Management Report shows some progress in this area. Of IT professionals surveyed, 45% don’t have full knowledge of their network configurations, down from a whopping 57% in 2022.

9 Healthcare IT Trends to Watch in 2024

On some of the best and worst days of our lives, we rely on the people, processes, and technology of the healthcare system to take care of us at our most vulnerable. This is why healthcare IT is unlike IT in any other industry. From data privacy regulations to digital transformation, healthcare IT pros must continuously navigate new challenges and technologies to deliver better patient care. In our 2024 IT Trends Report, we identified the healthcare IT trends shaping these shifts.

What is RMM? Remote Monitoring and Management

RMM—meaning Remote Monitoring and Management—has been a challenge for networks and IT departments since the very first ethernet cable sent a bunch of 1s and 0s in 1973. The challenge, of course, is that no administrator, either network or IT, can be everything everywhere all at once. Although if you’ve ever accidentally rebooted a device you weren’t supposed to, it certainly seems like they are.

How to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems With Auvik

“My computer’s not working!” “I can’t connect to the internet!” “My emails aren’t sending!” You’re probably used to hearing common requests and complaints like these from end users. It’s our job to take these issues, troubleshoot them, bring them to root cause, and get the user back up and running as quickly as possible.

Top 6 VPN Protocols (And When to Use Them)

Having access to all kinds of digital resources, no matter where you are or what sort of network connection you have, is a necessity in today’s connected world. Businesses need to share data with other businesses, and travelers need to stay in touch at all times. VPN protocols make secure, stable digital connections possible. While applications hosted in the public cloud go a long way towards making location a non-issue, many resources are hosted privately for security and privacy.

10 Networking Trends, Statistics, and Predictions for 2024

Understanding emerging networking trends is increasingly important for IT professionals and companies of all sizes to stay competitive. The global network infrastructure market is expected to reach $197.8 billion by the end of 2024 and increase to $256 billion by 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.67%. This is a projected $58.2 billion increase in just four years. Staying current with developments in the industry, as well as anticipating where these trends may lead, is vital.