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Virtual Meetup: Elastic Workplace Search-Finding Where That Document Went

Supporting employees in a work from a home environment can be challenging. Do they have access to these systems? Can they locate the documents they need? This would be easier if documents are centrally located. In most organizations, documents can live in services like Dropbox, Goole Drive, and or Github. In this virtual meetup, I will show you how to create a search box between these different services and finally solve the question.. "Where did that document go?"

April 2020 Online Meetup: Hands On with Rancher 2 4 -- Take Hybrid Cloud Kubernetes to the Edge

Kubernetes enables a common compute platform across any infrastructure and a consistent set of infrastructure capabilities including improved reliability, enhanced security and increased operational efficiencies. But as organizations adopt Kubernetes, clusters are often deployed with limited access to shared tooling and services, inconsistent security policies and no centralized cluster operations. As a Kubernetes Management Platform, Rancher addresses the challenges of enterprises running multi-cluster Kubernetes on-premises, in the cloud and at the edge.

Virtual Meetup: Running Elasticsearch on Kubernetes

Elasticsearch is the world's most popular open source search engine. Kubernetes (k8s) is the popular container orchestration engine giving developers the flexibility to run all sorts of workloads easily. Elastic launched Elasticsearch k8s operator sometime ago. With this, one can not only run Elasticsearch on k8s but also can launch other Elastic Stack projects like APM Server, help run rolling upgrades, manage data etc. This talk is a demo of all latest features.

Virtual Meetup: Search, Full Text Search and Elasticsearch

This talk starts with the significance of search problem and its origin in history how it has been an integral part of our daily lives. Also, basics of full text search will be discussed along with the anatomy of a full text search engine by taking Elastic Search as an example. Speaker: Muhammad Junaid Muzammil is a Software Engineer with over 9 years of professional experience, along with over 4 years of experience working with Elasticsearch. He is also an Elastic Certified Engineer and one of our active Elastic user group organizers, based in Pakistan, Karachi.

A Blueprint for Enterprise-grade Centralized Kubernetes Management

While developers see and realize the benefits of Kubernetes, how it improves efficiencies, saves time, and enables focus on the unique business requirements of each project; InfoSec, infrastructure, and software operations teams still face challenges when managing a new set of tools and technologies, and integrating them into existing enterprise infrastructure. 

Meetup ElasticFR Paris #44 : Monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak using the Elastic Stack

The outbreak of the COVID-19 has surprised a lot of different countries all over the world. In this virtual meetup we are going to see how easy it is to put data from the World Health Organization regarding COVID-19 in Elasticsearch and visualize them in Kibana.

March 2020 Online Meetup: Automating K3s Cluster Upgrades

While developing K3s to run at the edge we had to change our assumptions about how to manage these clusters at scale. A key assumption in a data center is that you have stable network connectivity, but this may not be true at the edge. You may have unreliable cellular service or limited time during the day in which you can connect. In these environments, operations such as upgrading Kubernetes or patching an operating system require a different paradigm.