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The temptation with synthetic user journeys is to create a single, long running journey that checks everything in one go and run it every 5 minutes. This may sound like a good idea because one journey is cheaper than five or because there’s fewer scripts to maintain, but it will make your life much harder and is likely to still cost as much due to the total time it takes to run. Therefore a good approach to user journey monitoring is to create atomic journeys.
We maintain a highly optimised browser automation stack in order to provide the most stable environment for our customers to run their Selenium scripts in. Our goal is to deliver the best user experience for writing and maintaining a synthetic script and configuring the browser environments it runs in. The synthetic monitor data we produce is used for simulating website processes such as form-based authentication, eCommerce transactions, and regulatory checks.
2021 has been an incredible year for RapidSpike. We’ve produced some brilliant features and made platform changes to help our clients produce faster, safer and more reliable websites. Additionally, we’ve had some great successes as a company. Here are some of the highlights in the RapidSpike Roundup 2021.
Whilst 2021 has been a tough year for many of us, almost as tough as 2020, whether in business, professionally or personally, we need to remain optimistic in 2022. Ecommerce and selling goods online will only grow stronger, with the Nasdaq predictions that 95% will be sold online by 2040 is accelerating much faster due to the covid pandemic.
Synthetic monitoring is automated testing of critical business transactions and user experiences. Synthetic monitoring helps businesses find, fix and prevent availability issues, performance issues and 3rd party vendors from giving you an insight into performance improvements that you can make to your website and supply chain to improve conversions and user happiness. Synthetic monitoring is also sometimes called user journey monitoring.
Take a look at the two versions of the website below. Can you can spot the one that has a website performance mistake that would result in a £2.5 million loss in sales each year? It’s impossible to tell from the screenshots above because they appear identical.