Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Stack Trace Line Numbers for Unity Events

In 2018 we launched the Sentry Unity SDK, but at the time, we couldn’t crack how to display stack trace line numbers for C# exceptions with IL2CPP scripting backend. And until a recent release of Unity, we thought it wasn’t possible. But here at Sentry we often do the impossible… or at least the improbable. Like adding features to our JavaScript SDK while making it smaller at the same time.

You've instrumented performance...now what?

Sarah has an app and turned performance monitoring on and has a slowdown but doesn’t know where to start to fix it… Ben has the guide to diving into Performance with Sentry. You have a laptop, computer, or comodor64. Together, we will discover: Join Sarah Guthals, Director of Developer Relations, and Ben Pepper, Solutions Engineer, in this interactive workshop and your future self will thank you.

Monitoring Performance at Moonbeam from Day One

As someone who has seen the devastating effects of poor performance monitoring firsthand, I can attest to the importance of doing it right from the start. If your users are experiencing latency issues and you’re not aware of them, that’s a big problem. At one of my previous jobs, we ended up paying out millions of dollars in SLA violation fees because we didn’t have proper monitoring.

Performance Monitoring in Next.js Applications

Performance monitoring is an essential part of development. It’s usually one of the first things you’d want to do after setting up an existing project or getting started with a new one. Without monitoring performance, it will be challenging to detect post-development (production issues) issues in your application or how to resolve them. You may end up wasting time attempting to fix something that was never broken.

Full Stack Visibility to Find the Root Cause of Slow

An app that works as expected is great, but if expected means a beachball for 10 seconds before the page loads, that’s… not so great. Customers want it all; an application that is stable and fast… Luckily, Sentry does more than tell you when something is broken in your code, it also tells you what’s slow and how to fix it.