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Workflow Automation with Human Supervision

IT automation is growing in adoption this year as IT organizations grapple with constantly changing priorities, the pressure of supporting large remote workforces and tight resources. However, IT teams are hesitant to deploy automation workflows on production infrastructure that supports important business applications and services. Trust is an issue – but errors do occur. Unsupervised automation can sometimes create more problems by missing the actual context for issue resolution.

OpsRamp Discovery and Monitoring 2020

In this video, we will show you how the OpsRamp #Fall2020 release simplifies the discovery and monitoring of #cloud and #cloudnative resources. Learn how OpsRamp’s new onboarding wizard can get you up and running in as little as four steps, and how the new curated dashboards save time so that you can see your infrastructure health in one place quickly, with a modern look and feel.

OpsRamp Fall 2020 Release

Onboard, monitor, and optimize your cloud and cloud-native infrastructure within 30 minutes or less. Are you one of those amazing IT operations professionals who worked hard to migrate enterprise workloads to the public cloud during the pandemic? Your team then probably built hundreds of tags for different types of cloud resources for the right levels of visibility and governance across cost optimization, chargeback, and reporting.

Predictive Analytics Meets IT Operations

Using data to predict and prevent IT outages and issues is a growing best practice—especially as advances in monitoring software have made it easier to deliver analytics in a timely manner. IT predictive analytics, once known as IT operations analytics (ITOA), is still nascent in many organizations, but it’s far more streamlined than it used to be when one needed to export data sets to specialized analytics tools such as Tableau or Microsoft PowerBI.

IT Operations Survey: What Leaders Are Doing To Get Ahead

As the Northern Hemisphere faces what could be a long, sepulchral winter, there’s no clear vision into the future. Here are some recent stats: Alright then. What is certain is that the private and public sector needs technology leaders who can direct investments strategically and cost-effectively, more than ever.

Considerations for Product-Led Growth in Enterprise Software

Product-led growth has become a popular go-to-market strategy in the digital age. In its superlative form, everything a company does from marketing, sales, operations, development and support is driven by and through the product. The goals are to make products easier to acquire, onboard, use and achieve quick time to value. The product-led growth market strategy revolves around the user and is best geared toward engaging with smaller accounts rather than large enterprise companies.

The Rise of Product-Led Growth in Enterprise Software

Slack, TikTok, Netflix, Spotify, GitHub, Miro: what do these popular SaaS companies have in common? They are all evangelists of the product-led growth movement. This go-to-market strategy is common for business to consumer (B2C) vendors and means that all major sales, marketing, and support activities are driven by and through the product. This may begin with a free trial or free version of the product, but that’s not the full picture.

The Love/Hate Relationship with Legacy Software

Legacy systems have a bad rap. But let’s face it: enterprises rely upon them, especially in traditional sectors like financial services, transportation, manufacturing, logistics and government. How do you decide whether to keep, upgrade or outright replace legacy software? How do you balance new competitive needs with financial constraints in IT? OpsRamp’s senior product and engineering leaders, Bhanu Singh and Ciaran Byrne, will share their thoughts on legacy software --the good and the bad--in this live video chat.