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Tracking Malicious Activity across the Sumo Attack Lifecycle

In modern network security monitoring, it is not enough to just detect bad things happening. ROI of security operations is always under scrutiny. Security teams, when they exist, and their leadership (CISOs), continually struggle to get budget, at least until a public breach occurs.

Pokemon - Next Generation SOC From Theory to Practice

This session will focus on developing a modern security operations center (SOC) from the ground up leveraging progressive technologies and process. Pokemon will cover the original plan and execution strategy over the past 18 months. They will also highlight Sumo Logic's role in both security architecture and operations and map the map ahead for both Sumo and our SOC.

Looker - A single source of truth in multi-source world

Richard Reinders at Looker shows us how you get to Sumo Logic as a single source of truth in a multi cloud environment? How do you ensure consistency? How do you keep your team from having to go into many different systems to get their answers? Finally, how do you get other teams invested in ensuring that what you built is maintained?