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Set up your data streaming infrastructure in 30 minutes

What can you do with data? Caching, processing, streaming, persistence... For its infrastructure, each of these components need: implementation, hosting, reliability and security. This is a lot of work and time, especially considering every project has specific requirements and specifications which translate into new data infrastructures. What if you could manage all of this in one unified platform? Watch the video and find out how with Aiven.

Aiven workshop: Search and aggregations made easy with OpenSearch and NodeJS

In this session you'll learn how to interact with the OpenSearch cluster with the help of OpenSearch NodeJS client - create an index, add documents, search and aggregate data. At the end we’ll visualise results with OpenSearch Dashboards and sink the data from Apache Kafka. Prerequisites: During the workshop you’ll create an Aiven account using the free trial.

Ingest, search, aggregate, view, and analyse data with Aiven for OpenSearch on GCP

Ever considered bringing OpenSearch’s powerful capabilities to your GCP data infrastructure, but not sure where to start? Tune in to our webinar to hear top tips from Aiven’s technical experts and OpenSearch gurus. Expect to learn: AIVEN DATA PLATFORM The Aiven Platform is more than a collection of open source services for streaming, storing and analyzing data. The platform ensures that all services run reliably and securely in the clouds of your choice, are observable, and can easily be integrated with each other and with external 3rd party tools.

Explore Apache Kafka Tiered Storage

Get an introduction to Apache Kafka® Tiered Storage which enables more effective data management by utilizing two different storage types—local disk and remote cloud storage solutions such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blob Storage. This feature offers a tailored approach to data storage, allowing you to allocate frequently accessed data to high-speed local disks while offloading less critical or infrequently accessed data to more cost-effective remote storage solutions. Tiered storage enables you to indefinitely store data on specific topics without running out of space. Once enabled, it is configured per topic, giving you granular control over data storage needs.

How to securely query AWS S3 from ClickHouse

ClickHouse is a powerful analytical database, loading data from an AWS S3 bucket allows you to quickly start analyzing the data without having to download and upload them manually in the database. Writing data to S3 allows you to offload some cold data, while keeping all the hot data in ClickHouse and, with the usage of federated queries, being able to query both hot and cold data at the same time.

Aiven workshop: Data Persistence 101: Spring Boot and MySQL Edition

✨What's Cooking in Our Workshop✨ Persisting data is a crucial part of any application that you build. It’s not always easy to map your business objects with your relational database. One of the tools that can help you with this is called Hibernate ORM (for Object Relational Mapping). Join us in this workshop where we will learn the basics of Hibernate combined with the most popular Java App framework : Spring Boot and MySQL as a database.