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GitHub Actions with OpenID Connect (OIDC) and JFrog - UPDATED!

JFrog’s integration of OpenID Connect (OIDC) with GitHub Actions enables users to establish a trust relationship between their GitHub Actions and the JFrog Platform. The result is a more efficient and secure token management system, eliminating the need for manual token creation for each GitHub Action. In this video, Yonatan Arbel, Developer Advocate at JFrog, provides a short intro and a how-to demonstration of this integration.

IoT Management with JFrog Connect (5-Minute Demo)

JFrog Connect is a modern Linux-first IoT platform designed to efficiently monitor, manage and update edge and IoT devices at scale. You can quickly register thousands of devices, organize them into logical groups, automate software updates for entire device fleets, and leverage secure tools to remotely troubleshoot devices from the comfort of your laptop. Start free at jfrog.com/connect.

DevOps Speakeasy with Bruce Schneier

On this episode of the DevOps Speakeasy, we are joined by Bruce Schneier, Chief of Security Architecture, inrupt Bruce is an internationally renowned security technologist, called a security guru by the Economist. He is the New York Times best-selling author of 14 books -- including Click Here to Kill Everybody -- as well as hundreds of articles, essays, and academic papers.