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Webinar: Automate serverless tasks with the Lumigo CLI

Serverless applications typically involve much more than just Lambda functions. Maybe you use EventBridge as an event bus, or you’re using SNS and SQS to fan-out messages to different Lambda functions. Here at Lumigo, we’re using serverless technologies to help you monitor and troubleshoot your serverless applications and we feel your pain. This is why we created the lumigo-cli, and in this webinar, we show you how you can use it to automate many of your chores and make your development flow smoother and easier!

Webinar: Why your next serverless project should use AWS AppSync

GraphQL APIs offer a number of advantages over REST APIs, such as solving the “N+1 requests” problem. And AppSync makes building scalable and performant GraphQL APIs much easier because it takes care of all the infrastructure concerns for you. In this webinar, AWS Serverless Hero Yan Cui and Lumigo Software Engineer Guy Moses discuss some of the power of GraphQL and AppSync and why AppSync + Lambda + DynamoDB should be your stack of choice.

Webinar How to Monitor Serverless Apps - Jan 2021

The software we write does not always work as smoothly as we'd like. To know if something went wrong, find the root cause, and fix the problem, we need to monitor our system and get alerts whenever issues pop up. There are many useful tools and practices for non-serverless applications. As we adopt serverless architecture can we continue to use the same approach? Unfortunately, the answer is no.

Webinar: Choosing the right messaging service for serverless apps

By nature, serverless applications are highly-distributed and event-driven, relying heavily on relaying events from one service to another. With that in mind, selecting the right messaging service for routing events is critical for your serverless application's functionality and performance.

Webinar: Building Serverless Flows with AWS Step Functions

AWS Step Functions are an emerging solution in the field of serverless architectures, as they provide capabilities to coordinate between many services. This webinar takes the "Right to be forgotten" (GDPR) workflow as an example of a hands-on AWS Step Functions tutorial: use-cases, difficulties, and solutions. Combining Cloudway's experience with Lumigo's monitoring and debugging solution, we provide a full framework to manage multiple subsystems into a single serverless flow and get the work done.

Webinar: How to Monitor Serverless Applications

The software we write does not always work as smoothly as we'd like. To know if something went wrong, find the root cause, and fix the problem, we need to monitor our system and get alerts whenever issues pop up. There are many useful tools and practices for non-serverless applications. As we adopt serverless architecture can we continue to use the same approach? Unfortunately, the answer is no.

Webinar: Debugging AWS Lambda Timeouts with Yan Cui

When a Lambda function times out, it’s one of the trickier problems to debug, especially if the function performs multiple IO calls. What was it doing when it timed out? And how do I identify these timeout errors quickly when Lambda lumps them together with other unhandled exceptions? In this webinar, we will show you how to identify and debug timeout errors, and strategies for mitigating timeouts and degraded performance more gracefully when there are underlying issues.

Webinar: Debugging Slow Lambda Response Times

One of the most common performance issues in serverless architectures is elevated latencies from external services, such as DynamoDB, ElasticSearch, or Stripe. In this webinar, we will show you how to quickly identify and debug these problems, and some best practices for dealing with poor performing 3rd party services. Here are some of the topics we cover.

Webinar: Improving AWS Lambda Cold Starts

AWS has improved Lambda cold starts by leaps and bounds in the last year. But for performance-sensitive applications such as user-facing APIs, Lambda cold starts are still a thorn in one’s side, especially when working with languages such as Java and .Net Core. In this webinar, we will dive into strategies for improving cold start latency and how to mitigate them all together with Provisioned Concurrency, and how Lumigo helps you optimize your use of Provisioned Concurrency.