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Linux System Monitoring with eBPF

The Linux kernel is an abundant component of modern IT systems. It provides the critical services of hardware abstraction and time-sharing to applications. The classical metrics for monitoring Linux are among the most well known metrics in monitoring: CPU utilization, memory usage, disk utilization, and network throughput. For a while now, Circonus installations have organized, the key system metrics in the form of a USE Dashboard, as a high level overview of the system resources.

Circonus Update: New UI Rollout

The Circonus team is excited to announce the release of our newest update, which includes sweeping changes to the Circonus Monitoring Platform UI. This update is part of an ongoing effort to optimize the Circonus UI for performance and usability on mobile devices, such as phones and tablets, as well as on media PCs, desktops, and laptops, and almost every single change to our familiar UI directly supports that optimization. You’ll find that just about every single page is now responsive.

SREcon 2018 Americas

Getting paged at 11pm on New Year’s Eve because the application code used sprintf %d on a 32 bit system and your ids just passed 4.295 billion, sending the ids negative and crashing your object service. A wakeup call at 2 am (or is it 3 am?) on the ‘spring forward’ Daylight Savings transition because your timezone libraries didn’t incorporate one of the several dozen new politically mandated timezone changes.