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Predictive Analytics Pipelines: Real-World AI, Predictive Maintenance, and Time Series Data

There’s so much talk about AI these days that it seems we quickly forget that AI isn’t a single type of technology. It’s a category, almost an umbrella term for a wide range of different technologies, applications, and approaches. The terms “Generative AI” and “Machine Learning AI” (often referred to as “Real-World AI”) describe two different branches that fall under the broader AI heading.

Unified Namespace and InfluxDB: Streamlining IIoT Operations for Industry 4

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has revolutionized the way industries operate, enabling businesses to collect and analyze data from their operations in real-time. However, managing and analyzing data from diverse sources can be a challenge. While sensors and systems may use the same transport protocols, the shape and type of data generated can vary from one device to another. A lack of uniform, clean data creates challenges and obstacles when it comes to getting timely insights.

Optimizing Space Technology: Fast Data Access with InfluxDB and Apache Parquet

To win the space race, aerospace and aviation companies must be fast. The end-to-end cycle of testing, visualizing test data, and making improvements demands swiftness, especially when a single launch yields billions of data points. It starts with real-time access to data. Real-time data analysis with nanosecond precision is crucial for monitoring environmental and habitat conditions when lives are at stake. Speeding up the iteration pipeline is essential but not sufficient. Cost efficiency matters too.

InfluxDB 3.0 Product Update Round-up: Q2 2024

Wrapping up another quarter provides an ideal time to look back on the features we rolled out across various products. Software is never finished, and our engineers have been working hard to deliver improvements to InfluxDB 3.0. This roundup highlights some of the developments and releases over the last few months.

Dealing with Mountains of IoT Data: An IIoT World Webinar Reflection

We’ve made the case many times that instrumentation is critical for understanding changes in the physical and virtual worlds. During this recent webinar, panelists discussed the challenges and opportunities of integrating IoT sensors into existing infrastructure, ensuring data quality and accuracy, and leveraging sensor data for operational efficiency and productivity.

A Guide to CI/CD Pipeline Performance Monitoring

In the modern software development landscape, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines have become essential. They automate the process of integrating code changes, running tests, and deploying applications. The efficiency and reliability of these pipelines are critical to the overall success of a software project, and CI/CD pipeline monitoring plays a vital role in maintaining and improving these attributes.

Overcoming Connectivity Issues in Distributed Systems: Aerospace

Maintenance and repairs for aerospace operations in orbit present a considerable challenge. It’s not easy to dispatch a technician to fix components on a satellite. That’s why it becomes increasingly critical to plan for as many scenarios as possible before launching and deploying these kinds of devices. To understand what’s happening with orbiting devices, companies need data.

Monitor your InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated cluster

InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated provides fully-managed InfluxDB v3 clusters that power enterprise-grade workloads on a scalable infrastructure dedicated to your workload and your workload alone. As a fully-managed service, InfluxData takes the infrastructure hassle off your plate by monitoring and scaling your cluster when necessary. Until recently, cluster health-related metrics were only available to internal InfluxData support staff.

Boost Your Monitoring Stack: Add InfluxDB to Prometheus Node

Prometheus is the go-to observability tool for countless developers and organizations, and for good reason. The popular open source tool doesn’t require any up-front costs or result in vendor lock-in. Prometheus’ short on-ramp makes the technology well-suited for organizations looking to jump-start their cloud monitoring journey.

Apache Superset and InfluxDB Cloud 3.0

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to build dashboards using Apache Superset and data from InfluxDB Cloud 3.0. This guide will provide practical steps and insights to integrate these powerful tools, helping you visualize your time series data with ease and precision. Whether you are monitoring IoT devices, applications, or infrastructure, you’ll find valuable tips on leveraging Superset and InfluxDB Cloud to enhance your data analytics capabilities.