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How to Defend Your Business Against SQL Injections

One of the oldest (but often neglected) security vulnerabilities is SQL injection. One common scenario goes like this: An unsuspecting programmer writes an application that accepts input from the user which serves as a parameter to retrieve or store data from a database (e.g., a web login form). The programmer writes a dynamically populated SQL query inside the app, based on user input like username and password (see Image 1 for reference).

The Complete Guide to Azure Monitoring

Monitoring an Azure environment can be a challenging task for even the most experienced and skilled team. Applications deployed on Azure are built on top of an architecture that is distributed and extremely dynamic. But all is not doom and gloom. Azure users have a variety of tools they can use to overcome the different challenges involved in monitoring their stack, helping them gain insight into the different components of their apps and troubleshoot issues when they occur.

Cassandra vs. MongoDB vs. Hbase: A Comparison of NoSQL Databases

Unlike traditional SQL databases, NoSQL databases, or “non-SQL” databases, do not store their data in tabular relations. Originally designed for modern web-scale databases, they have found widespread use in present-day big data and real-time web applications. Some of the most commonly used data structures include key-value, wide column, graph, and document stores.

The Top 5 Pitfalls of Serverless Computing and How to Overcome Them

Serverless first came onto the scene in 2014 when AWS Lambda was launched. It offers a dynamic cloud-computing execution model where the server is run by the cloud provider. As with any relatively recent technology, its novelty results in a steep learning curve, and it comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

API Analysis with the ELK Stack

Pulling in data exposed via API is not one of the most common use cases for ELK Stack users but it is definitely one I’ve come across in the past. Developers wrapping their database services with REST API, for example, might be interested in analyzing this data for business intelligence purposes. Whatever the reason, the ELK Stack offers some easy ways to integrate with this API. One of these methods is the Logstash HTTP poller input plugin.

Kubernetes as a Service: GKE vs. AKS vs. EKS

Kubernetes (K8s) is a prevalent open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. However, maintaining the service can be difficult and expensive. For that reason, it is easy to find platforms offering Kubernetes as a managed service. In this article, we will analyze three of the most popular services currently available: Google Kubernetes Engine, Azure Kubernetes Service, and Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes.

A Beats Tutorial: Getting Started

The ELK Stack, which traditionally consisted of three main components — Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana, has long departed from this composition and can now also be used in conjunction with a fourth element called “Beats” — a family of log shippers for different use cases. It is this departure that has led to the stack being renamed as the Elastic Stack.

Creating Custom Kibana Visualizations

As you may very well know, Kibana currently has almost 20 different visualization types to choose from. This gives you a wide array of options to slice and dice your logs and metrics, and yet there are some cases where you might want to go beyond what is provided in these different visualizations and develop your own kind of visualization.

A Kibana Tutorial: Getting Started

Kibana is the visualization layer of the ELK Stack — the world’s most popular log analysis platform which is comprised of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. This tutorial will guide you through some of the basic steps for getting started with Kibana — installing Kibana, defining your first index pattern, and running searches. Examples are provided throughout, as well as tips and best practices.