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The value of blameless culture - from IC to C-Suite

At CircleCI, CI has a second meaning: Continuous Improvement. We continuously seek out feedback not only to improve our code but to improve our processes and get better at our jobs along the way. This Continuous Improvement starts with one important company value: a blameless culture. Our blameless culture extends into every part of how we operate.

What is cloud bursting? Managing sporadic workloads on the hybrid cloud

The DevOps field is engaged in a great, collective migration into the cloud. Businesses are decentralizing their applications and databases, hosting them in the cloud to make them available regardless of geography or user device. Some organizations choose to host their applications on private servers, but in periods of high demand take advantage of the public cloud by directing overflow traffic to cloud servers. This approach is called cloud bursting.

Developing a pipeline-builds logging system with CircleCI webhooks and Airtable Automations

Ever since CircleCI introduced webhooks, I have been excited about the possibilities this new way of integration opens up to developers. I decided to try out one of the use cases described in the webhooks documentation. This use case involves transmitting information about build-pipeline workflows into an Airtable database. The data piped into Airtable forms a log for you to monitor your workflows and you can go as far as designing graphs and other visualizations to analyze the build data.

Testing Commander.js command line applications

Breaking changes in production are inconvenient and can be costly to fix. Using commands like git clone < some GitHub repository >, executed on your terminal is a common practice, known as using the command line. This practice can be faster and more efficient than using a GUI. For this tutorial, I will walk you through the process of testing command-line applications git, explain why you need command-line applications, and describe in detail how they work.

How to review your CircleCI configuration

Configuration files can take some time to set up, but after that initial push they are easy to forget about. “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it” is a common approach that many developers take with their configuration files. But when it comes to your continuous integration pipelines, small changes can have huge benefits.

Continuous integration for a production-ready Dockerized Django application

Continuous integration has become a widely accepted practice for software projects. As more technologies are introduced in both continuous integration and software development, developers are looking for practical ways to benefit from them. Basic tutorials that cover toy examples are not always enough for real-life practitioners. As an actual user of Django, Docker, and CircleCI, this was certainly a pain point for me. That is why I wrote this tutorial.

Data structures for effective Python applications

Because computers rely on data to execute instructions, computing will always entail data interaction. The amount of data can be overwhelming in real world applications, so developers must consistently devise methods to access it quickly and efficiently in a programmatic way. A solid understanding of data structures is a great advantage for teams that specialize in developing tools and systems. Organizing data optimally maximizes efficiency and makes data processing easy and seamless.

Deploying a Laravel application to Heroku

In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up a continuous deployment pipeline to deploy a Laravel application to the Heroku platform with minimum hassle. Automating deployment helps teams limit human intervention during the deployment process, reducing the risk of errors and streamlining the entire software release process.

DevOps for startups

It is an exciting time to be a startup. Our vast technological landscape has made powerful digital tools available to businesses of all sizes, making starting (and scaling) an organization easier than ever before. In an era where technology is a fundamental building block of almost every business, methodologies like DevOps have become ubiquitous across many industries.

Serverless vs containers: Which is best for your application?

To keep ahead of the curve, many organizations are looking at how to evolve their technical processes to accelerate their IT infrastructure development. Fast and robust deployments to the latest platforms are key to achieving the low lead times that enable this evolution. Two of the most widely-used technologies to host these deployments are serverless functions and containers. What are they, how do they differ, and how do you decide which is best for your application?