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Using the Graphite API for Beginners

Application Programming Interface, or API, is an important element to consider when you design an online product or platform. Well-designed API is equivalent to a well-designed user interface for enterprise customers. When you implement an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, your product can retain and attract more users.

Metrics for Monitoring Azure Event Hubs

Azure Monitor is a convenient tool designed to help you enhance the performance and accessibility of your various services and applications. A comprehensive solution, this tool helps teams analyze data from cloud-based and on-premises environments. In this post, we'll discuss the best metrics for monitoring Microsoft Azure Event Hubs, and how to get the most from the tool. Get started with a quick demo of MetricFire today to take charge of your network performance!

What is Pushgateway?

Prometheus is an amazing tool, but it has limitations. Some of your applications, including batch jobs and ephemeral jobs, may not live long enough for it to find and scrape them. Since Prometheus cannot scrape all jobs, the company developed Pushgateway as a bridge tool. Because you usually cannot push metrics directly to the Prometheus application, you can sometimes use a Pushgateway to deliver the necessary data. When you need monitoring solutions, try Metricfire.

Top 5 Open Source Server Monitoring Tools

Engineers are increasingly embracing open-source server monitoring tools for their flexibility and cost-effectiveness. These tools offer functionality without the need for additional investments. In this article, we'll explore the top open-source server monitoring tools: Graphite, Grafana, ELK Stack, and Nagios. These actively maintained tools have thriving communities. Let's delve into their features and benefits.

How to monitor a Lotus Domino Server

Maintaining your infrastructure's stability and reliability is paramount to your business operations' success in the swiftly evolving digital era. Among the key pillars that uphold this stability is efficient and comprehensive server monitoring. This becomes crucial when working with a Lotus Domino Server, a popular, versatile platform for hosting critical business applications, email hosting, and web services.

GCP Monitoring with Graphite and Grafana

In this article, we are going to look at what are the possible options available to users in terms of monitoring their applications hosted in the Google Cloud Platform. Graphite and Grafana are examples of the great tools available for monitoring time-series metrics for your cloud-hosted applications. There are also hosted monitoring options available for Google Cloud users through MetricFire’s offering of Hosted Graphite and Hosted Grafana.

What is Chronograf?

InfluxDB is an open-source time-series database, i.e. a database optimized for storing data points collected across an interval of time. Developed by InfluxData, InfluxDB is intended for fast, high-availability storage and retrieval of many different system metrics. The entire InfluxDB project, which is housed at influxdata.com, includes: Yet with all of these tools for collecting and processing time-series data, there's still one step missing—visualizing it. That's where Chronograf comes in.

Lighthouse vs Sitespeed + Graphite: A Comparative Analysis of Web Performance Tools

Web performance is a critical aspect of delivering exceptional user experiences. To measure and optimize website performance, various tools are available, each offering unique features and capabilities. In this article, we will compare two popular web performance tools: Lighthouse and Sitespeed combined with Graphite. We'll explore the strengths and benefits of each toolset, helping you make an informed decision for your performance testing and optimization needs.

How to display a metric on a Graphite dashboard

Graphite is free and open-source software. It is used as a time-series database monitoring tool, where you can collect, store and display time-series data in real-time. As you can monitor certain metrics of this data using Graphite, it has a very useful and simple dashboard used to visualize these metrics. This article will show you how to display a metric on your Graphite dashboard. MetricFire specializes in monitoring systems.

10 Best Router Monitoring Software and Tools

Your IT infrastructure needs the best router monitoring software and tools. Are you using an option that helps employees and end-users succeed? Router monitoring software and tools have become essential for administrators to observe their IT infrastructure's traffic, prevent bottlenecks, and improve availability by predicting serious challenges before they occur. The right network monitoring tools give you insight into the overall health of your on-site infrastructure.