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Route SSH Connections with HAProxy

Route SSH connections through HAProxy using the SSH ProxyCommand feature and SNI. Did you know that you can proxy SSH connections through HAProxy and route based on hostname? The advantage is that you can relay all SSH traffic through one public-facing server instead of needing to grant users direct access to potentially hundreds of internal servers from outside the network.

HTTP Keep-Alive, Pipelining, Multiplexing and Connection Pooling

Persistent connections allow HAProxy to optimize resource usage, lower latency on both the client and server side, and support connection pooling. HTTP is a layer 7 protocol that’s transmitted over a TCP connection. It works in a client-server model and follows the request-response paradigm, which means that a client sends a request to a server, which then replies with a response. From this statement, you can infer two different ways of operating.

HAProxy Enterprise Support Helps Ring Up Holiday Online Sales

With the second wave of coronavirus sweeping across the nation, experts predict a greater percentage of this year’s holiday shopping to be conducted online than ever before. In fact, a recent National Retail Federation Holiday 2020 survey predicts that “digital purchases will be the primary driver of growth this year” with 96% of respondents expecting more online-only holiday sales as consumers are less likely to visit actual stores.

HAProxy Log Sampling

Log Sampling is a powerful feature introduced in HAProxy 2.0 that lets you define a percentage of your logs to create a representative view of your data allowing you to minimize your costs. Log files are the key to observability. They can provide helpful information that can be used for debugging as well as analytics that can be used to understand how users interact with an application.

Layer 4 and Layer 7 Proxy Mode

HAProxy can run in two different modes: TCP or HTTP. When operating in TCP mode, we say that it acts as a layer 4 proxy. In HTTP mode, we say that it acts as a layer 7 proxy. To understand the difference, you must first learn about the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, which helps IT pros conceptualize and explain where a piece of software fits in the context of a computer network.

vSphere 7 with Tanzu Integrates with HAProxy for Load Balancing Enterprise-grade Kubernetes

VMware chose HAProxy as the default load balancer for Tanzu Kubernetes clusters, which helped streamline load balancing in their Kubernetes platform. VMware has delivered vSphere 7 with Tanzu, its endeavor to embed an enterprise-grade version of Kubernetes inside vSphere, the industry-leading compute virtualization platform.

Announcing HAProxy 2.3

HAProxy 2.3 adds exciting features such as forwarding, prioritizing,and translating of messages sent over the Syslog Protocol on both UDP and TCP, Stats Contexts, SSL/TLS enhancements, an improved cache, and changes in the connection layer that lay the foundation for support for HTTP/3 / QUIC. This release was truly a community effort and could not have been made possible without all of the hard work from everyone involved in active discussions on the mailing list and the HAProxy project GitHub.

Accelerate Your APIs by Using the HAProxy Cache

The age of rendering most of a web page’s contents on the server and then delivering it as a colossal HTML file is fading into the past. Modern web frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue push towards creating components instead—individual elements on the page that fetch their data in the background and poll for asynchronous updates—which can be reused across your site.