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What's The Difference Between Monitoring Webhooks and Background Jobs

If you have some experience setting up monitoring for different setups, this post is for you. Since different parts of your architecture have different tasks, they also have different expectations. Today, we’ll take a quick dive into how to deal with that reality and set up monitoring for it. Warning: In this post, you’ll have to bear with our enthusiasm for setting things up perfectly.

Facade Pattern in Rails for Performance and Maintainability

In today’s post, we will be looking into a software design pattern called Facade. When I first adopted it, it felt a little bit awkward, but the more I used it in my Rails apps, the more I started to appreciate its usefulness. More importantly, it allowed me to test my code more thoroughly, to clean out my controllers, to reduce the logic within my views and to make me think more clearly about an application’s code’s overall structure.

Building Compile-time Tools With Elixir's Compiler Tracing Features

Elixir 1.10 was recently released, and with that release came a little-known, but very interesting feature—compiler tracing. This feature means that as the Elixir compiler is compiling your code, it can emit messages whenever certain kinds of things are compiled. This ability to know what’s going on when Elixir is compiling our code might seem simple, but it actually opens up a lot of doors for opportunities to build customized compile-time tooling for Elixir applications.

Building a Rails App With Multiple Subdomains

In today’s post, we’ll learn how to build a Rails app that can support multiple subdomains. Let’s assume that we have a gaming website funkygames.co and we want to support multiple subdomains such as app.funkygames.co, api.funkygames.co, and dev.funkygames.co with a single Rails application. We want to ensure that proper authentication is performed for all subdomains and that there are no duplicate routes.

Elixir Package 1.12: Phoenix 1.5 Support & Better Channel Error Handling

Great news for all the Elixir alchemists, we’ve just released AppSignal for Elixir package version 1.12.0 which adds support for the upcoming 1.5 version of the Phoenix framework, and improves in-channel error handling. If you’re not an AppSignal user yet, make sure to check out the product tour and see how errors, performance, host metrics and triggers all come together in one tool. Phoenix 1.5 isn’t here yet, but AppSignal 1.12 is ready for it.

UI/UX Updates: Faster and Smoother Sample Navigation in AppSignal

Today, we’re bringing you an update of the performance/exceptions sample page. This update includes a number of improvements that will help you navigate and filter the available samples faster and more smoothly. We’re bringing these changes as an iteration of sample navigation improvements that we launched a while ago. We received valuable feedback from our users: the overlay made the navigation choppy instead of fluent.

Migrating Production Data in Elixir

When requirements change for your product, there arises a need to change not only the codebase but also the existing data that already lives in production. If you’re performing the changes locally, the whole process seems fairly simple. You test your new feature against a sparkling clean database, the test suite is green, and the feature looks great. Then you deploy, and everything goes to hell because you forgot that production was in a slightly different state.

Effective Profiling in Google Chrome

This blog post will explain how to effectively profile your website so that you can deal with performance pain points. We’ll go through the two most used tools in Google Chrome for profiling: Imagine that you optimized your backend and everything is running smoothly. However, for some reason, the load time of your pages is still unreasonably high. Your users might be experiencing sluggish UI and long load times. This post will help you sort these issues out.